Development Finance Watch - It’s time for the IMF to close the gap between rhetoric and practice
#IMF #TaxJustice #Luxembourg #ClimateFinance #DebtJustice #Covid19
Top Story
Mind the gap - It’s time for the IMF to close the gap between rhetoric and practice
As countries face the difficult challenge of recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, civil society identifies critical opportunities for the International Monetary Fund to close the gap between its rhetoric and its practice. Click to read more.
News & blogs
Eurodad reaction to last week's OpenLux revelations
The OpenLux investigation reveals two things: first, that transparency works; and second, that we have a long way to go before the EU can declare itself free of tax havens. Read Eurodad’s full response to last week’s revelations here.
A tale of two emergencies – new language translations available!
Eurodad’s report “A tale of two emergencies – the interplay of sovereign debt and climate crises in the global south” is now available in Spanish, Portuguese and French. Download the translations on our website.
The Pandemic Papers
In this compilation of reports and briefings, we review the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on debt and development finance. Download “The Pandemic Papers” in English, French and Spanish here.
Useful resources
EU plans to de-risk private investment in health, education
By Devex
The European Commission considering whether to use its plans to use its development budget to incentivise private investment in health and education. We tell Devex that the EU must focus scarce development aid on supporting public systems and universal access. Read the full article on Devex (article behind paywall).
Aid data 2019-2020: Analysis of trends before and during the pandemic
By Development Initiatives
With the economic and health impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic compounding worrying trends in aid, this briefing analyses OECD and IATA data for 2019 and 2020 – looking at how far the Covid-19 pandemic may have exacerbated existing concerns. Download the briefing.
Financing a just, global Covid-19 response and recovery: the role of debt cancellation, restructuring and new finance
Last year, many countries in the global south found themselves forced to choose between paying back debts or using money to respond to the pandemic. In response, CIDSE presents a policy briefing calling for debt cancellation, renewed finance and outlining actions that governments, multilateral institutions and private creditors need to focus on.
Job vacancies
Project Coordinator – Ending Inequalities
Deadline: 7 March 2021
Eurodad is looking for a project coordinator for an EU-funded project. The ideal candidate will be able to balance excellent project coordination skills with strong interpersonal communication in a multicultural context. Find a full role profile and how to apply on our website.
This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders. |