EU Ministers fail to take any decisive action on corporate tax transparency


#DevelopmentFinance #CBCR #UNCTAD #UN #EU #JobVacancy #ODI

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Eurodad and other Brussels-based CSOs stand in front of the European Commission HQ holding placards calling for tax transparency and that mulitnational corporations pay their share.

EU Ministers fail to take any decisive action on corporate tax transparency

Yesterday, Eurodad and other NGO representatives and campaign groups stood outside the EU Council, where the Competitiveness Council was meeting for the first public ministerial-level debate on the European Commission's directive for public country by country reporting (CBCR). Decisive action on corporate tax transparency is urgently needed to prevent corporate tax avoidance, which costs governments globally US$ 500 billion each year in lost tax income. In the end, disputes over the legal basis of the proposal stalled discussions and prevented a vote.

In this video, we explain why we need public CBCR.


Making debt work for development: Wrap up of the 12th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference

The 12th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference in Geneva last week was one of the best attended policy conferences ever. Over three days, several hundred participants discussed how to tackle the unfolding developing country debt crisis, debt sustainability analyses for a new debt landscape, more effective debt workout mechanisms and more. Participants agreed that urgent action is needed to address the new wave of debt crises, and called for more political will. 

Civil Society Letter concerning the draft UN Resolution on External Debt Sustainability and Development

In an open letter to the UN General Assembly, Eurodad and 37 other civil society organisations welcomed innovations in this year's draft UN General Assembly Resolution on “External Debt Sustainability and Development” and were delighted to see the UNGA consider new steps to strengthen debt crisis prevention and resolution. 

Less than 10% of EU aid reaches world's poorest countries, study finds

EU contributions to global aid have dropped for a second year running, according to the latest AidWatch report from Concord, which was launched last week, threatening progress towards the 2030 Agenda . Responding to the report, Eurodad's Jan Van der Poel raised concerns about the Commission's use of blended finance to meet the SDGs and the continued prevalence of tied aid by donor countries.

The Bretton Woods Institutions 75 years on: reform or risk irrelevance

In this blog, Eurodad experts reflect on the 75th anniversary of the Bretton Woods Institutions, which despite attempts to recast themselves as forerunners of progressive thought-leadership, continue to lean on the same old economic orthodoxy and unequal power structures as when they were founded 75 years ago.

Reports & useful resources

Survey - Eurodad’s Strategy planning kick-off meeting

If you are considering attending our strategy planning kick off meeting on December 3rd here in Brussels, please consider filling out this survey to help us prepare for the logistics.

Blending private interests with taxpayer’s money: Towards a development-investment nexus?

By Global Health Advocates

Four new policy briefs published by Global Health Advocates last week analyse political trends in development finance emerging at the French, EU and global levels. In this briefing on blended finance, they assess the European Union’s External Investment Plan and highlight the lack of evidence regarding the additionality and pro-poor impact of blending public with private finance.

The state of the growing movement fighting inequality

By Fight Inequality Alliance

The movement fighting inequality has been growing globally, according to new research published by Fight Inequality Alliance. In their report, they reveal important trends in understanding and supporting ongoing struggles to achieve transformative change.

Policy and Advocacy Officer at Eurodad

The purpose of this role is to take forward the Eurodad network’s crucial work on preventing and resolving debt crises, and pushing for fundamental reforms of the international financial architecture. The role involves producing robustly researched analysis, with a strong advocacy focus, and building strong coalitions for change. Deadline: 5 January 2020

Senior research officer DSF at ODI

ODI are seeking to appoint a Senior Research Officer to join their Development Strategy & Finance (DSF) programme. Under the supervision of a Senior Research Fellow or Head of Programme, the post holder will contribute to designing and delivering innovative, high-quality and policy-relevant research and policy analysis on development finance issues. Deadline: 5 December

This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders.