Call for tender for evaluation of EC HUM/2019/413-859 grant “From Commitments to actions: Increasing public accountability in the lead up to Monterrey+20”
Eurodad is looking for a consultant to evaluate our EC HUM/2019/413-859 grant: “From Commitments to actions: Increasing public accountability in the lead up to Monterrey+20”
Deadline: 4 March 2024, 17:00 CET
Eurodad is a network of 52 NGOs across Europe, working on development finance advocacy. Our focus is on strengthening the power of European CSOs, working as part of a global movement to push governments and powerful institutions to adopt transformative changes to the global economic and financial system. More information can be found on our website.
2023 is the last year of the EC HUM/2019/413-859 grant and therefore an external evaluation is required to assess the results of the project. Eurodad is seeking a consultant to conduct the evaluation from April to July 2024 (exact number of days to be determined during the procurement and interviewing process).
Objectives of the contract
Eurodad is looking for a consultant to provide support with the following objectives:
- Assessing whether the overall objective of the project to contribute to increased public accountability and good governance at the national and international level, in order to promote increased domestic resource mobilisation, improve debt management and reduce illicit financial flows has been met.
- Designing the evaluation of the project including development of detailed methodology and implementation plan/schedule
- Conducting the evaluation including desk reviews, interviews with selected stakeholders (internal and external) and survey
- Producing a final report (and other relevant documents) with comprehensive analysis, conclusion and key recommendations
Outputs for this contract
The Consultant is expected to deliver the following outputs:
- A document outlining proposed methodology including a questionnaire to be used for the interviews and survey.
- A clear and detailed plan for the implementation of the evaluation, including estimation of costs and number of days required to complete the assignment.
- A PowerPoint presentation with a summary of key findings of the evaluation.
- A detailed final report outlining the process, methodology, key findings and recommendations.
- A separate brief document summarising project successes and lessons learnt.
Contract timeline
The contract has been tentatively scoped for a period of 25-30 days, with the following provisional schedule:
- April: orientation of the consultant, design of the methodology (including questionnaires for interviews and survey) and finalising the overall evaluation plan
- May: conducting interviews and survey with key project stakeholders, completing data collection
- June: writing of the report, sharing a draft report with Eurodad and presenting initial key findings
- July: processing the feedback, finalizing the report and submitting to Eurodad by the end of July
A detailed and updated schedule will be developed with the support of the consultant to be recruited, including exact deadlines and division of labour between the consultant and Eurodad.
Duration of this consultancy (i.e. number of exact days needed) may be flexible and determined during the procurement and interviewing process, depending on the methodology and anticipated costs. The tentative total budget for this consultancy is EUR 16,000.
Method of work
Consultants will use OECD DAC criteria for evaluation to assess the performance of the project. The consultant will develop and finalise key questions with support from a designated focal point at Eurodad.
Practical arrangements
This consultancy is expected to take place remotely unless there are essential reasons for some of the meetings to take place in person. Final details are to be agreed upon during the contract signing phase.
Background information
The essential information about the grant in question can be found in the documents listed under ‘Annexes’ section of this ToR. Consultants are requested to carefully review all documents before developing and submitting their proposals for this assignment.
Selection criteria
Eurodad selects suppliers/consultants to be awarded for a contract based on best value for money. For this tender, the following criteria will be considered:
- A minimum of 5 years of experience of conducting evaluations and reviews at an organisational level. Experience conducting evaluation of EC funded projects is a plus.
- A demonstrated understanding of development finance issues
- Demonstrated experience with supporting non-profit organisations working in the field of policy and advocacy with a diverse group of actors and stakeholders
- Excellent proficiency in English is required. Knowledge of Spanish and French is a plus.
- Evidence of capacity and reliability: based on Eurodad’s past positive experience with bidder, references from other organisations or evidence of similar contracts in the past.
- Commitment to Eurodad’s values: a demonstrated commitment to promotion of social and economic justice
Exclusion criteria1
If any of the following are true for the bidder at the time of submitting their tender or at any time during the procurement process, they will be excluded from consideration for winning a contract with Eurodad. The bidder may also be blacklisted for participation in future Eurodad procurements. By submitting a tender, the bidder declares that they are not in one of the following situations:
a) They are bankrupt, subject to insolvency, or being wound up, are having their assets administered by a liquidator or by a court, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, or are in any such situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national (or EU) legislation or regulations;
b) They have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with applicable laws;
c) It has been established by a court’s final judgment or by a final administrative decision that the bidder is guilty of grave professional misconduct by having violated applicable laws or regulations or ethical standards of the profession to which the bidder belongs, or by having engaged in any wrongful conduct which has an impact on its professional credibility where such conduct denotes a wrongful intent or gross negligence. This includes:
i. misrepresenting the information required as part of this procurement procedure
ii. entering into agreement with other persons with the aim of distorting competition
iii. violating intellectual property rights
iv. attempting to influence the decision-making process during this procurement procedure
v. attempting to get confidential information that might give an unfair advantage in the procurement procedure
d) It has been established by a court’s final judgment that the bidder is guilty of any of the following:
i. fraud
ii. corruption
iii. relations with a criminal organisation
iv. money laundering or terrorist financing
v. terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities, or inciting, aiding, abetting or attempting to commit such offences
vi. child labour or other offences related to trafficking of human beings
e) In the past, the bidder has shown significant failures in complying with the main obligations of a procurement contract with the client or financed by the European Union, which led to early termination or other contractual penalties, or which was discovered during checks or audits.
f) It has been established by a court’s final judgment or by a final administrative decision that the bidder has committed an irregularity.2
g) It has been established by a court’s final judgment or by a final administrative decision that the bidder has created an entity under a different jurisdiction with the intent to circumvent fiscal, social or any other legal obligations in the jurisdiction of its registered office, central administration or principal place of business.
h) It has been established by a court’s final judgment or final administrative decision that the bidder has been created with the intent described in point (g)
If Eurodad has any reason to be concerned that the bidder may be in one of these situations, Eurodad may request appropriate evidence. Additionally, if the bidder is selected for a contract, Eurodad will confirm that the contractor is not included in the list of EU restrictive measures (sanctions list)3.
How will Eurodad decide who wins the contract?
Eurodad has a Tender Committee made up of at least four members who will open and evaluate all tenders received. We will first check that all tenders are complete and submitted on time. Incomplete or late tenders will be rejected. We will then evaluate the tenders against the Selection Criteria listed above and select the supplier which offers the lowest price and best matches all the other Selection Criteria. Any supplier who matches one of the Exclusion Criteria will be rejected.
Anti-fraud policy
Eurodad has a zero-tolerance approach towards corruption and fraud in all its forms. Eurodad aims to prevent fraudulent activities and to respond to any allegations or potential fraud swiftly and effectively. If the bidder or any member of staff is aware of any corrupt or fraudulent activities in relation to this procurement process, they are requested to report it to Eurodad’s Director ([email protected]) immediately.
Privacy policy
If you decide to submit a tender to this call, please note that Eurodad will keep your information and offer for at least 10 years as it is legally required as supporting documentation for our donors even if you are not selected for the contract. For more information about our privacy practices please visit Eurodad’s website.
Bidders should be aware that if they are selected for this contract, payment will be made on the following terms: 30% after the delivery of a draft report and remaining 70% after the completion of the consultancy and delivery of all agreed outputs. Please note that the contract will include agreed completion dates and penalties may be applied for late completion.
Specific requirements for tenders
Prices should be given in EUR, exclusive of VAT
Instructions for submitting tenders
Deadline: Tenders must be submitted no later than 04/03/2024, 17:00 CET. Tenders submitted after this time will not be considered.
Where and how to submit tenders: Tenders should be submitted via email to [email protected] with the subject “Tender” and the tender reference: 2024-01
Language of tenders: The tenders and supporting documents must be in English.
The submitted tender package must include:
- Detailed offer outlining the approach for conducting the evaluation including information on the methodology, implementation plan/schedule, costs (clearly showing the calculation of the total amount based on no. of work days and daily rates)
- CVs or equivalent of the consultant responsible for this contract
- Proof of past successful services with contact details of people we can contact for references if necessary
- The signed declaration on honour at the end of this document confirming that the bidder does not match any of the exclusion criteria
- Companies must provide a copy of their company’s registration document, as proof of their nationality in compliance with the European Union’s Rules of Nationality; freelance consultants must state the country of which they are nationals.
Tenders which are incomplete or not submitted as described above will be excluded.
Contact Person
If you have questions about the terms of reference or invitation to tender requirements, please send these in writing to Chloé Blave at [email protected]. Please do not send tenders to this address. It is forbidden to discuss price with this contact person and this person will not be involved in the decision-making for this contract.
1These exclusion criteria are in compliance with the 1 Aug 2020 PRAG (the Practical Guide on contract procedures for European Union external action), Section
2The European Union defines ‘irregularity’ as “any infringement of a provision of Community law resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator, which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the general budget of the Communities or budgets managed by them, either by reducing or losing revenue accruing from own resources collected directly on behalf of the Communities, or by an unjustified item of expenditure.” (Article 1(2) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95)
3In compliance with 1 Aug 2020 PRAG, Section 2.4