Eurodad International Conference - 2025: A once in a decade opportunity to achieve economic justice
Watch the video: Taking place in Barcelona (Spain) on 28-29 January 2025 at Hub Social Barcelona, 2025 Eurodad Conference brings together experts working on economic justice in the lead-up to the fourth...
Why do we need a framework convention on sovereign debt?
Building on the proposal for a UN Framework Convention on Sovereign Debt that was launched in October, this session will be an opportunity to learn more about why a debt convention...
The role of guarantees in Official Development Assistance and climate finance
This is the second in a series of events exploring the relationship between private finance and aid. It will be an opportunity to launch a report by Eurodad’s Farwa Sial...
The murky business of Private Sector Instruments
Private finance as the solution to bridge the financing gap and to reach aid targets? Join Eurodad for the first of two webinars taking a closer look at the relationship...
Report launch: Who profits from the Global Gateway? The EU’s new strategy for development cooperation
Join us for the unveiling of a new report by Counter Balance and Eurodad, supported by Oxfam, which sheds light on the critical issues surrounding the EU's Global Gateway...
Debate: What the latest aid data means & forecasts for the future
According to the latest OECD data, aid reached an all-time high of US$ 223.7 billion in 2023. Yet, aid from EU Member States fell drastically, and large amounts of...
Book launch: 'Righting the economy: towards a people’s recovery from economic and environmental crisis'
The launch of the book 'Righting the economy: towards a people’s recovery from economic and environmental crisis' will take place in Brussels on the 29th of May, from 12:45-2:00pm CEST,...
Book launch “Feminism in public debt - a human rights approach”
In the current international financial architecture where lending and borrowing shape economic landscapes lies an often-ignored narrative deeply intertwined with gender dynamics: sovereign debt. The new book "Feminism in public...
Webinar - Sovereign ESG bonds to close the climate and SDG financing gap? A critical introduction to their limitations and risks
The past few years have seen a surge in interest in ethically labelled bonds for countries in the Global South. This includes so-called ‘green’ and ‘social bonds’ and derivatives, including...
Webinar - Blended finance for climate action: good value for money?
On 8 February, Eurodad and ActionAid released "Blended finance for climate action: good value for money", one of the first reports exploring the role of blended finance for climate action...
Blended finance for climate action - Risks and opportunities of an emerging agenda
The urgency and scale of the climate crisis has led to an agenda focused on mobilising private finance for climate. Blended finance – a combination of concessional finance with other...
The future of aid under threat: What the new rules for Private Sector Instruments mean for aid budgets.
New rules approving the reporting of private sector instruments as aid dealt the future of official development assistance (ODA) another blow late last month. These rules come at a...
Webinar - Decoding the New Global Financing Pact Summit: Critical reflection from the lens of climate, debt and tax justice
On 22-23 June, world leaders, representatives of financial institutions and private sectors and CSOs are gathering in Paris for the New Financial Pact Summit, convened by President Macron in response...
Strengthening cohesion, tackling climate change: How can Europe avoid another decade of austerity?
What are the dangers of austerity in a context of global economic uncertainty exacerbated by uneven pandemic recovery and the war in Ukraine? In 2023 many countries are projected to...
Policy Forum 2023 - Building an economy for people and the planet
Click here to register Please note that the strategy sessions are for CSOs only. Panel discussions will not be live streamed and are only accessible to in-person participants, however remote participation is...
Twitter Space: Little to Celebrate - An assessment of Official Development Assistance in 2022
The world is currently in an extremely critical context, for the first time in over three decades, the Human Development Index has fallen globally over the past two years, clearly...
Rebranding or reshaping the global financial architecture? MDBs reform, Bridgetown Initiative and the New Global Financial Pact
The panel aims to initiate critical dialogue on the current proposals to transform the global financial architecture, focusing on three interlinked initiatives, the MDBs reform (exemplified by the World Bank...
Reform or Regress? From the World Bank’s Evolution Roadmap to the Bridgetown Agenda
Background The World Bank’s specific mandate of eradicating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity and its failure to achieve this mandate, together with the continuous denial of the climate challenges,...
Jubilee Caribbean's conference on debt and climate change
Jubilee Caribbean's conference on debt and climate change will take place in Saint George's, Grenada, on December 13-14. Register here for online participation The conference seeks to bring together policy makers,...
History RePPPeated 2 launch event
This event, organised by Eurodad and Latindadd, is part of the "Our Future is Public" Conference, which is taking place in Santiago, Chile. It will will launch the collective...
Our Future is Public - From global inequalities to social, economic and climate justice
Our Future is Public Conference (#OFiP2022) will bring together social movements and civil society organisations from all over the world in Santiago, Chile and online for a four-day conference. Participants will develop...
The EU's Global Gateway: smart new strategy or the Emperor's new clothes? A discussion about the new EU flagship project's risks and opportunities
The EU Global Gateway was launched as the European Commission’s flagship strategy to invest in infrastructure across the globe. The Commission claims the Gateway will mobilise €300 billion to “connect...
Where are we now on EU ODA?
Tune in on Friday 7 October at 10.00 CEST on Twitter to find out where the EU and its Member States stand on ODA commitments. This online event is an audio...
End Austerity Now!
"End Austerity Now!" is the opening session of the End Austerity Activism Festival, a 3-day virtual event event bringing together activists and organisations from all around the world and taking place...
The EU’s Global Gateway: market creation or international development?
Join Eurodad and Counter Balance for an Agora Panel at the European Development Days This session will be precedent to a joint report authored by Eurodad and Counterbalance exploring the...
Ensuring the primacy of human rights in times of systemic crisis - Eurodad's 2022 Conference
This hybrid session is part of Eurodad's 2022 Conference "Reboot the system: Defining joint strategies for economic justice" taking in place in Brussels on 9-10 June.Please register to this event...
A green recovery: Empty rhetoric or a just transition? - Eurodad's 2022 Conference
This hybrid session is part of Eurodad's 2022 Conference "Reboot the system: Defining joint strategies for economic justice" taking in place in Brussels on 9-10 June. Please register to this event...
Rebooting the system: challenges and opportunities - Eurodad's 2022 Conference
This hybrid session is part of Eurodad's 2022 Conference "Reboot the system: Defining joint strategies for economic justice" taking in place in Brussels on 9-10 June. Please register to this event...
Development cooperation as a leverage for tackling vaccine inequality? A Belgian perspective on the issue - Eurodad's 2022 Conference
This hybrid session is part of Eurodad's 2022 Conference "Reboot the system: Defining joint strategies for economic justice" taking in place in Brussels on 9-10 June. It is co-organised by...
Eurodad's 2022 Conference: Reboot the system: Defining joint strategies for economic justice
Taking place in Brussels on 9-10 June at Les Ateliers des Tanneurs, 2022 Eurodad’s Conference will bring together our members, allies, partners and like-minded academics in an inspirational and interactive...
Eurodad International Conference 2022 - strategy sessions
Text explaining that on the 8th there are strategy sessions + brief blurb 9:00 - 12:00 The future of aid Hybrid The...
What is the role for EIB Global within the European financial architecture for development?
Join Counter Balance, the CEE Bankwatch Network and Eurodad at the European Parliament for the launch of the Eurodad-commissioned report 'Shaping the future of EIB Global: Reclaiming public purpose in...
Webinar Series "Skilling-up on Climate Finance" - 31 May 2022
Session 3: "How gender-responsive is climate finance?" WhenMay 31st Tuesday, 15:00-16:30 CESTModeratorLeia Achampong (Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer - Climate Finance, Eurodad)Speakers • Liane Schalatek (Associate Director, Heinrich Böll Stiftung...
Financial Secrecy Index webinar co-organised by Tax Justice Europe and Tax Justice Network
Co-organised by Tax Justice Europe and Tax Justice Network, this webinar will introduce the findings of this year’s Financial Secrecy Index and provide a space for partners and allies to...
Webinar Series "Skilling-up on Climate Finance" - 17 May 2022
Session 2: "How transparent and accessible is climate finance?" WhenMay 17th Tuesday, 15:00-16:30 CESTModeratorMaria Jose Romero (Policy and Advocacy Manager - Private Finance, Eurodad)Speakers • Bertha Argueta (Senior Advisor -...
Webinar Series "Skilling-up on Climate Finance" - 3 May 2022
Session 1: "What is climate finance and why is public climate finance needed?" WhenTuesday, 3 May 15:00-16:30 CESTModeratorJean Saldanha (Director, Eurodad)Speakers • Lidy Nacpil (Coordinator, Asian Peoples Movement on...
A Feminist and Decolonial View on Debt and Climate Change
In the context of the NGO CSW66, we are glad to invite you to register to the event A Feminist and Decolonial View on Debt and Climate Change. Gender justice is...
Mobilising for public services in the post-Covid-19 context - Eurodad Policy Forum 2021
Facilitators: Océane Blavot, Eurodad Sarah Jameson, GI-ESCR The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed and exacerbated the existing inequalities and injustices related to privatisation and commercialisation trends of essential services (education,...
Introduction to Eurodad Knowledge Management Platform - Eurodad Policy Forum 2021
In this session, Cécilia Gondard and Joe Inwood will present Eurodad's new intranet for members and allies, the Knowledge Management Platform (KMP), demonstrating how to connect and navigate through the platform...
Addressing the challenges of a climate- and gender-just and equitable world from a feminist, decolonial perspective - Eurodad Policy Forum 2021
Speakers: Emilia Reyes, Equidad De Género Trusha Reddy, WoMin African Alliance Roos Saalbrink, ActionAid International Genoveva Tisheva, Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation Iolanda Fresnillo (facilitator), Eurodad The interconnectedness between the multiple...
The future of aid in the post Covid-19 context: challenges and opportunities - Eurodad Policy Forum 2021
*Interpretation will be available in Spanish and French* Speakers: María José Romero (moderator), Eurodad Adrian Chikowore, AFRODAD Jeroen Kwakkenbos, Oxfam International Riccardo Roba, CONCORD Samantha Attridge, ODI Vitalice Meja, Reality...
Overcoming the policy lending doctrine - Eurodad Policy Forum 2021
*Interpretation will be available in Spanish and French* The global debt crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic and the climate emergency are all contributing to increase the influence of international financial institutions,...
Global debt crises – what role for the CEE/CIS region? - Eurodad Policy Forum 2021
Speakers: Iolanda Fresnillo (Eurodad) Kristina Rehbein (Erlassjahr) Marcin Wojtalik (Institute of Global Responsibility (IGO)) Ajda Pistotnik, Slovenia Zvezdan Kalmar, Serbia Daniyar Serikov, Kazakhstan Debt crises are not just a...
How do development finance, debt justice, climate justice and tax justice relate to each other? Why a paradigm shift is needed - Eurodad Policy Forum 2021
Speaker: Hannah Brejnholt, Senior Financing for Development Advisor, Oxfam IBIS and Chair of the Board, Eurodad Eurodad's vision is clear: we want to see a world in which wealth and...
Introduction to Eurodad Knowledge Management Platform - Eurodad Policy Forum 2021
*Update: registrations are closed for this session, please register for the Friday session here In this session, Cécilia Gondard and Ilaria Crotti will present Eurodad's new intranet for members...
Introduction to Eurodad Knowledge Management Platform - Eurodad Policy Forum 2021
In this session, Cécilia Gondard and Joe Inwood will present Eurodad's new intranet for members and allies, the Knowledge Management Platform (KMP), demonstrating how to connect and navigate through the platform...
Covid-19: impasse ou nouvelle voie ? - Eurodad Policy Forum 2021
La crise sanitaire de Covid-19 a exacerbé de nombreux déséquilibres en 2020 et retardé les progrès vers l'Agenda 2030 pour le développement durable (CNUCED). La propagation de nouveaux variants met...
The Covid-19 crisis: Portal or dead end? - Eurodad Policy Forum 2021 Opening Webinar
Version française The prolonged Covid-19 crisis has exacerbated inequalities between countries, social groups as well as gender inequality. The pandemic continues to strain the capacities of many countries, particularly of...
Enough is enough: the future is public - Reclaiming public services for a just recovery
Join us for a unique and dynamic online discussion on 26 October 2021 bringing together seven global and regional human rights representatives to reflect on the crucial role of public...
Building Back Better through IDA-20: Public Investment as a tool for Socio-Economic Transformation in Africa
The International Development Association (IDA) is part of the World Bank and one of the largest sources of assistance to poor countries. The three-year IDA-20 replenishment has been launched early...
Building back better health systems - Lessons from the WBG's Covid-19 response and recovery plans
The World Bank financed developing countries’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and is working to boost access to vaccines. In this context, recent World Bank publications highlight the centrality of...
Reclaiming sustainable infrastructure as a public good
Sustainable infrastructure investments are touted as a key pillar of “building back better” strategies by many donor governments to confront the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet, the prevailing infrastructure finance agenda set...
IMF surcharges: A necessary tool or counter-productive obstacle to a just and green recovery?
Since the Asian financial crisis, the IMF has sought to accumulate precautionary balances and disincentivise countries from an over-reliance on IMF financing by adding a surcharge to borrowing costs in...
Climate justice and debt: opportunities and challenges for global south countries in a context of multiple crises
Considering the current context of multiple crises, the side event will analyse the challenges for climate finance delivery in global south countries, from a climate and economic justice perspective, understanding...
Making the most of Special Drawing Rights: approaches to maximise impact and create sustainable and just recovery
To maximise the impacts of the upcoming allocation of US$650 billion Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), the IMF is working on proposals for countries with strong external positions to voluntarily channel...
The Cascade/MFD and a just and sustainable recovery: A first review in the pandemic context
Multiple crises caused by Covid-19 have created an unprecedented global shock. In April 2021, the WBG released a framework for supporting green, resilient and inclusive development (GRID), which emphasizes ‘private...
The World Bank’s Development Policy Financing: implications for a just, green and feminist recovery
Development Policy Finance nudges countries towards policy reforms by conditioning budget support on the implementation of prior actions. It is criticised for risking undermining countries’ democratic ownership and for promoting...
Financing for Development: Global Economic Solutions Now!
This event is part of the virtual Global People's Assembly. The assembly is part of the Global Week of Action for the SDGs and is organised in parallel to the...
What solutions for the countries of the south crushed by the burden of the debt?
This event is organised by CADTM as part of the CADTM Summer University 2021: Global Crisis, Debt Cancellation for Social Justice Context While many countries in the global south were already...
Virtual Global Debt Strategy Meeting
Eurodad and would like to invite you to the 2021 Global Debt Strategy meeting. We will be discussing our forthcoming plans both in the short and in the long-term, our...
Public debt data resources | Mobilisation and advocacy strategies
Please register by 13 July. The last session of the Debt Wednesday's training course will focus on how to get involved in the debt movement. We are going to explore Jubilee Debt...
Debt Wednesdays: understanding debt today
From 10 March-14 July 2021 Eurodad’s new webinar course, ‘Eurodad’s Debt Wednesdays’, aims to answer questions around a range of debt issues happening around the world. We aim to provide...
The influence of developing countries in the inclusive framework of the OECD - Eurodad
Please join us for a webinar on the influence of developing countries in the Inclusive Framework of the OECD. The webinar will take place from 16:00 - 17:50 CEST on Thursday 8...
Debt and climate justice | Debt, human rights and gender justice
Please register by 22 June. The sixth session of the Debt Wednesday's training course will focus on some cross-cutting issues that are inextricably connected to debt justice: climate justice, human rights and...
European Development Days: Extractives and Taxation
This virtual debate will address the challenges in taxation of minerals, in order to ensure that the global south will benefit from the energy transition. This event is part of...
International Finance Architecture reform: Debt workout mechanism and responsible lending and borrowing | Overview of debt in Europe
Please register by 1 June. The fifth session of the Debt Wednesday's training course will focus on International Finance Architecture reform: debt workout mechanism and responsible lending and borrowing. Participants will give...
CSO discussion on climate and debt
The call will start at 2pm CEST. The impacts and context of the COVID-19 crisis, coupled with ongoing climate impacts and crippling debt that vulnerable countries face, has brought debt...
Illegitimate debt and debt audits | Overview of debt in Asia
Please register by 12 May. The fourth session of the Debt Wednesday's training course will introduce the concepts of illegitimate debt and debt audit. Participants will give a closer look to...
Debt relief & the Paris Club historical perspective | Overview of debt in Africa
Please register via Zoom by 20 April. The third session of the Debt Wednesday's training course will introduce the concepts of debt relief, together with an historical perspective of the Paris Club....
Corporate Tax Haven Index webinar 2021
Registration on Zoom This webinar will introduce TJ-E members and allies to findings of the 2021 Corporate Tax Haven Index, and provide a space for dialogue on how the CTHI...
Defaults & restructuring | Overview of debt in Latin America
Please register via Zoom by 30 March. The second session of the Debt Wednesdays training course will introduce the concept of defaults and restructuring. The session will also take a closer look...
An economic future for whom? The Cascade/ MFD and recovery
Amid the pandemic, public debt burdens and constrained fiscal space, this session will tackle the roles of WBG private finance-driven interventions in economic 'restructuring' and 'recovery'. It will discuss coherence...
Universal access to healthcare: lessons learned from public-private partnerships
Covid-19 hit weak and under-funded public health systems around the world the hardest, and highlighted market failure in healthcare. We need now to draw lessons and look forward. This interactive...
Corporate capture of development: Public-private partnerships and global resistance
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are among the most widespread forms of corporate capture of global development. Despite critical concerns about their detrimental impact on transparency, accountability and human rights, PPPs are...
What is public debt? Sovereign debt today and debt sustainability.
Please register via Zoom by 9 March. The first session of the Debt Wednesday's training course will introduce basic concepts around public debt, its composition and dynamics. Participants will be...
A tale of two emergencies - the interplay of sovereign debt and climate crises in the global south
The climate emergency has become a wider focus of policy discussions around debt, as climate vulnerabilities increase the risk of debt crises in countries in the global south. Similarly, unsustainable...
A debt moratorium – but for whom?
The G20 DSSI and its logic to not help those who need it most Organised by EURODAD,, Jubilee Caribbean and LATINDADD The logic of debt relief as a response...
Critical Reflections on Public Private Partnerships
LIDC is delighted to invite you to the launch of: 'Critical reflections on Public Private Partnerships' Covid-19 has emphasised the need to look carefully at Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and...
Responding to the impact challenge: How harmonisation is driving better impact measurement and management
This session will discuss the forthcoming OECD Impact Standards for Financing Sustainable Development (IS-FSD) that are being developed by the Community of Practice on Private Finance for Sustainable Development (CoP-PFSD)....
Book Launch: Public Banks and Covid-19: Combatting the Pandemic With Public Finance
An in-depth account of public bank responses to the socio-economic crises resulting from Covid-19. Written by experts from around the world, the book offers a critical assessment of programs rolled...
Zambia: The canary in the (debt crises) mine?
Click here for the Zoom link registration. English Simultaneous translation into French and Spanish will be available. Description: Zambia became the first country to default on its sovereign debt as...
Towards a new economic architecture that works for the people and planet
The Finance in Common Summit is being held at a time when the humanitarian and economic crisis triggered by the pandemic is threatening the well-being of billions of people and...
Enough is enough: Privatisation & public services, a conversation with current and former UN Special Rapporteurs
Watch the event live After decades of de-regulation and privatisation policies around the world, private actors are playing increasing role in many sectors, from education and health, to water, food...
Fast forward to the future of international solidarity
Eurodad member 11.11.11 invites you to think with us about the future of international solidarity Forward Fest is a brand new online festival on the future of international solidarity. At Forward...
Never let a pandemic go to waste
This webinar will launch a Eurodad/SOAS briefing paper scrutinising the World Bank Group's response to Covid-19 and will use the opportunity to reflect more broadly on WBG strategies, including how...
Debt or Life: Sharing the Global Pandemic Burden and Responsibility
In light of the significant challenges brought on by Covid-19, governments globally have authorised a wide range of interventions to address health and economic shocks. Given these responsive interventions, debt...
Reforming the Global Taxation System: Is the International System fit for the 21st Century?
Irrefutably, the debate regarding the global tax system is one that has been a central discussion for several global forums. One that includes a heated debate regarding the extent to...
Financing Infrastructure in an era of global crisis
Eurodad and the Infrastructure Transparency Initiative (CoST) are pleased to present this session as part of the Virtual C20 Summit. Whilst there is agreement on some issues between the C20...
The common good in post-crisis reconstruction: National Development Banks and State-Owned Enterprises
What is the role for public institutions with policy mandates in a recovery that addresses poverty, employment, sustainable development, and the real economy? Do these tools ‘crowd out’ private activity...

World Bank Group’s ‘Maximizing Finance for Development’ in times of Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has buoyed calls for de-risking private finance to ensure that cash-strapped developing countries finance recovery plans. This session explores the implications of the WBG promotion of private...

Fiscal space for universal health and social protection post Covid-19 pandemic: How to prevent austerity
In 2020 governments financed emergency care and urgent support to cope with Covid-19. While this short-term expending was necessary, countries must also continue to invest in long-term universal health, social...

Covid-19 and debt: Going beyond debt suspension towards a systemic response to debt crises
The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing debt vulnerabilities and triggered a new debt crisis. Despite the urgency of the situation, the multilateral response has been insufficient, and many challenges remain...

Lessons to be learned from the Coronavirus
Eurodad warmly invites its members, CSO allies from the Global South and North, and experts to participate in a webinar to kick off its biannual Policy Forum. This year, the...

Eurodad International Conference 2019: Development Finance in the 21st Century: Economic Justice for All?
As citizens and social movements take to the streets around the world to call for change, discussions about how to reverse growing inequalities, overcome poverty and tackle climate change are...