Old money, old projects and old ideas: So what’s new about the EU’s Global Gateway?
#GlobalGateway #EurodadPolicyForum #DebtJustice #cancelthedebt
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Old money, old projects and old ideas: So what’s new about the EU’s Global Gateway?
The European Union’s Global Gateway - vaunted as a flagship project that combines development and geopolitical diplomacy - continues to create more questions than answers...
At the end of last month, the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) announced further funds worth €18 billion to “boost investment in climate action and sustainable economies” as part of the Gateway. But again it isn’t clear if this commitment would have happened anyway without the project.
Register now: Eurodad Policy Forum 2023
The Eurodad Policy Forum offers a unique opportunity to understand the impact that the various political developments in 2023 will have on the financing for development agenda, and to reflect on civil society’s strategy in response. The Policy Forum will provide space for CSOs to cross-examine the mainstream narrative within a broader discussion around an alternative, built on a vision of an economy that works for people and the planet.
Please note that the strategy sessions are for CSOs only.
Register for the Policy Forum here.
We still need a debt jubilee: 25 years on from the Birmingham human chain
by Tim Jones, Debt Justice
Twenty-five years ago, 70,000 people surrounded the G8 summit in Birmingham, demanding debt cancellation for 52 impoverished countries by the year 2000. The 'Hands Around the G8' protest was a pivotal moment in the global "Jubilee" campaign, the movement that came together to tackle the debt crisis.
Watch the new video #StopCowboyLenders by Debt Justice here.
Useful resources
CSO Aid Observatorio Synthesis Report
by Reality of Aid Network
The CSO Aid Observatorio is a CSO-initiated and maintained database of development projects funded through bilateral Official Development Assistance (ODA) or international finance institutions (IFIs). CSO reports offer on ground narratives and evidence-based analysis of development projects in fragile nations and developing countries.
Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer - Debt Justice Team
Eurodad | Brussels | Deadline: 28 May
Rebranding or reshaping the global financial architecture? MDBs reform, Bridgetown Initiative and the New Global Financial Pact
This panel aims to be an explanatory primer for the CSO network to explore the World Bank’s recent ‘Evolution Roadmap’, and the ‘Bridgetown Agenda’ proposals. The focus of the panel will be an analysis of the current impetus for change and reform at the MDBs - also considering the upcoming Macron’s Financial Pact Summit which will take place next month.
18 May | Banking on health: The surging pandemic of health financialization
by Society for International Development (SID) at Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2)
As part of a series of meetings hosted by the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2), our Policy and Advocacy Manager, Maria José Romero will participate in a webinar that aims to pull together the strings of interconnection that exist across the agenda of health financialisation, health financing and health privatisation.
24 May | Get Over It! From Immobilising Information to Transformative Action
by Financial Justice Ireland
What are the qualities and perspectives that we need to cultivate in ourselves and others to be able to face existential threats? This deep-dive exploration of current research and practice will feature two speakers from Ireland and one from India.
31 May | Getting beyond Growth, Colonialism, Extractivism: a panel discussion with Prof. John Barry & Tatiana Roa Avendaño
by Financial Justice Ireland
This webinar will focus on economic growth from an economic justice and climate justice perspective as well as focus on the colonial and extractive nature of the current economic system and its impacts in Latin America.
15 May - 1 June | It’s raining green… Hallelujah? - Webinars about the green transition
by The Debt Observatory in Globalisation
The Debt Observatory in Globalisation presents a series of webinars to take a critical look at the European green and digital transition, which will take place on 15 May, 22 May, and 1 June.
Register for the webinars here.
This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders. |