Iolanda Fresnillo

Maria Jose Romero

Bretton Woods Institutions at 80: What should the future look like?

On the eightieth anniversary of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, it is time for a change of course. In this blog, our experts on the Bretton Woods Institutions explain why the world is in urgent need of more responsive, democratic, accountable and development-orientated. global economic governance. 

  • Development Finance
  • IFIs
Iolanda Fresnillo

Debt justice in 2024: challenges and prospects in a full-blown debt crisis

Eurodad's policy and advocacy manager for debt justice, Iolanda Fresnillo, analyses the challenges the debt justice movement will face during the next months. 

  • Debt Justice
Iolanda Fresnillo

Irresponsible lending prevents the global south from escaping the debt-climate trap

Most climate finance for countries in the global south is in the form of loans that come with high-interest payments. This blog, written by Eurodad's Iolanda Fresnillo and Leia Achampong, outlines the impact of climate finance loans and why grants are essential to global south countries implementing robust climate measures.

Read the full article on Global Dev

  • Climate Finance
Iolanda Fresnillo

Miracle or mirage: are debt swaps really a silver bullet?

This briefing aims to inform the discussions on debt swaps among civil society, academics and policy makers.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Iolanda Fresnillo

The good, the bad, and the ugly of Macron's Global South summit

Last week's Summit in Paris ended without tangible results. Eurodad's debt expert, Iolanda Fresnillo, argues in EU Observer that it is time to leave distractions like the New Global Financing Pact behind and focus on more serious processes, where all countries can participate on an equal footing. 

Read the piece in full on EU Observer

  • Development Finance
  • Global Processes
Tove Ryding

UN Financing for Development Forum 2023: The road towards global economic solutions

Positive outcomes include the welcoming of intergovernmental discussions on tax in the outcome document.

  • Development Finance
Julia Ravenscroft
Iolanda Fresnillo

Banga's nomination has Empire written all over it

Eurodad's questions ex-MasterCard chief Ajay Banga's nomination by the USA as their candidate for president of the World Bank Group. It is crucial that the next World Bank leader breaks with the past and has a vision for the future, but a Banga presidency will bring only more of the same. 

  • Climate Finance
  • PPPs
Ilaria Crotti

Small Island Developing States drowning in debt and climate emergencies

This week, CSOs, academics and policymakers met in Grenada to discuss the challenges that climate change and debt pose for the Caribbean region.

  • Debt Justice
  • IFIs
Leia Achampong

COP27 misses the point again, failing to push rich nations to meet climate finance commitments

COP27 only delivered one part of the climate finance puzzle, namely a Loss and Damage Fund. Developed countries need to step up their efforts to repay the climate debt so all countries are able to pursue sustainable development.

  • Climate Finance