Thomas Marois

Lavinia Steinfort

Fostering a global public financial ecosystem for development and climate action

The Think Tanks (T20), one of the engagement groups of the G20, recently released the policy briefs that it commissioned earlier this year, as part of the Brazilian G20 presidency. Eurodad contributed to one policy brief that advocates for a global ecosystem of public national and multilateral development banks that can serve as a pillar for democratic, accountable, and transparent finance for development and climate action. This ecosystem should be grounded in public-public collaboration, rather than in the risky over reliance on private finance that dominates much of the practices today.
  • Climate Finance
Thomas Marois

Shaping the future of EIB Global: Reclaiming public purpose in development finance

This briefing aims to support civil society organisations and EU Member States to reshape the future of EIB Global. It includes a number of recommendations, including a call on EU Member States to democratise EIB Global operations, and for a policy framework to be developed that creates metrics, benchmarks and assessments that matter for definancialised, sustainable, decolonial and equitable development.

Written by Thomas Marois, SOAS University of London

  • Development Finance
  • IFIs
Thomas Marois

Reclaiming Public Development Banks to Finance a Sustainable & Equitable Recovery Post Covid-19

It is vital that we seize the opportunity afforded by the Finance in Common Summit to reclaim public development banks for the public good.

Originally published onĀ IDN-InDepthNews

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
  • FiC