Paris Proof Export Support: why and how the Dutch government must exclude credit support for fossil fuel

Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) are key institutions governments employ to support private companies doing business overseas. ECAs offer a wide range of guarantees and insurances to private companies. This makes it easier for these companies to gain access to finance, mostly from banks.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Sustainability
  • Both ENDS

Dredging in the dark: An analysis of the Dutch dredging industry’s failure to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse impacts in dredging

Two Dutch dredging companies and the Dutch government played a major role in the recent effort to widen and deepen the Suez Canal.

  • Development Finance
  • Both ENDS
  • SOMO

Shady dealings: How Atradius Dutch State Business fails to adequately screen the businesses it supports

In November 2013 Both ENDS published the report Cover for what?, which described how the financing for Dutch exports regularly involves parties that are registered in tax havens. This new report about the same issue focuses on new cases and shows that not much has changed since then.

  • Tax Justice
  • Both ENDS

Socialising losses, privatising gains

Eurodad’s members SOMO and Both ENDS in collaboration with Transnational Institute and Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) have published a report titled Socialising losses, privatising gains. How Dutch investment treaties harm the public interest. This paper gives a critical civil society perspective on the clear tension between BITs protections and the democratic right and duty of the state to regulate in the broader public interest.

  • Debt Justice
  • Both ENDS
  • SOMO