Norwegian Church Aid

Verdensvalg 2017

The report Verdensvalg 2017 focuses on Norway's development policy. In the chapter 'Aid and Development Policy in Norway: a global analysis of the finance and economic development landscape' Jesse Griffiths writes about the key ways in which the global economic and financial system will have to be transformed if we are to achieve the SDGs, and the role Norway could play to promote change.

  • Aid Quantity
  • Norwegian Church Aid

Business development for poverty reduction

It is widely recognised that having productive employment is a key dimension of human wellbeing. One of the most important functions of such employment is that it generates income that may be used for vital necessities such as food, shelter and health services and hence be instrumental in poverty reduction. However, for most people there is also an intrinsic value of being productive and an associated strain of being idle and unemployed.

  • Development Finance
  • Norwegian Church Aid