This report analyses the problems that monetary policies in developed economies pose for developing countries. Given the history of debt crises in emerging economies, with profound and long-lasting socio-economic and political consequences, we must be alert to signs of another emerging debt crisis.
The Impact of Letterbox-type Practices on Labour Rights and Public Revenue: four case studies
This report from Eurodad member SOMO and the ETUC reveals how businesses use ‘letterbox practices’ to not only lower corporate taxes, but to get around labour laws and collective agreement.
- Tax Justice
Dredging in the dark: An analysis of the Dutch dredging industry’s failure to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse impacts in dredging
Two Dutch dredging companies and the Dutch government played a major role in the recent effort to widen and deepen the Suez Canal.
- Development Finance
- Both ENDS
Glass Half Full? The state of accountability in development finance
This report documents the hurdles communities and workers face in obtaining remedy from development banks whose projects cause them harm.
- Development Finance
How Shell, Total and Eni benefit from tax breaks in Nigeria's gas industry
This report presents a case study of Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Company (NLNG), Nigeria’s largest gas production facility, and examines the way in which its foreign shareholders – Shell (UK/Netherlands), Total (France) and Eni (Italy) – benefit from excessively generous tax breaks provided by the Nigerian government.
- Tax Justice
Fool's Gold: How Canadian mining company Eldorado Gold destroys the Greek environment and dodges tax through Dutch mailbox companies
Eurodad's member SOMO has published a new report titled Fool's Gold - How Canadian mining company Eldorado Gold destroys the Greek environment and dodges tax through Dutch mailbox companies. This report reveals that Greece’s economic recovery is being undermined by large-scale tax avoidance – enabled by the Netherlands. At the same time, Greece endures harsh austerity measures imposed by the European Commission, European Central Bank and IMF which are supported by the Netherlands.
- Climate Finance
Socialising losses, privatising gains
Eurodad’s members SOMO and Both ENDS in collaboration with Transnational Institute and Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) have published a report titled Socialising losses, privatising gains. How Dutch investment treaties harm the public interest. This paper gives a critical civil society perspective on the clear tension between BITs protections and the democratic right and duty of the state to regulate in the broader public interest.
- Debt Justice
- Both ENDS