As the European Commission is considering merging several existing instruments (those for humanitarian aid, development cooperation, and pre-accession assistance), a coalition of 48 civil society organisations is calling on President Von der Leyen to reject the proposal.
Aid Quality
CSOs call on the European Commission to reject the merger of external financing instruments
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
A webinar series on private finance in aid
Join Eurodad for two webinars that will take a close look at the relationship between private finance and aid.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
Debate on the future of international development cooperation underway
Following the close of the Summit of the Future, a common belief and consistent narrative seem to be taking shape among civil society and other critical actors that has not yet been reflected within the official proceedings. That belief and narrative? That the current international aid architecture is failing and a new and transformative approach to how international development cooperation is governed at the global level is needed. The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4), taking place in Sevilla (Spain) next year, is a major opportunity to achieve that.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
Second Letter to WP-STAT on Review of the Recommendation on Untying ODA
In this letter, the DAC-CSO Reference Group called on the OECD DAC to push for an ambitious outcome that can eventually ensure that all aid is fully untied.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
Is this what aid was meant to be?: A critical analysis of Official Development Assistance in 2023
Aid data from 2023 has called into question the direction in which Official Development Assistance (ODA) is headed. More worryingly still, some rich countries have already announced budget cuts for 2024. This report provides a basis for discussion and debate at a time when the value of ODA is more relevant than ever.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
Exposing Tied Aid: Preventing donor countries from getting rich on their own aid
The OECD Development Assistance Committee (ODA) is conducting a review of its Recommendation on Untying ODA (Official Development Assistance, or aid). In this blog, our aid expert examines how wealthy countries are continuing to profit from both formal and informal tied aid. With one week to go until the publication of preliminary data from the OECD DAC outlining the ODA distributed by donor countries in 2023, this article shines a light on one of the practices that continues to call into question the integrity of aid. It also outlines five issues that must be addressed.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
Eurodad reaction to the final 2022 OECD DAC aid figures
The new figures released by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) show that while total reported ODA rose to an all time high, the percentage of ODA spent in donor countries also increased. This is hugely problematic.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quantity
ODA is stretched thin beyond recognition and the DAC’s credibility is at stake
Joint reaction of the DAC-CSO Reference Group to the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee’s High Level Meeting, which took place on 15 November.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality

Eurodad reaction to reports that the EU and UK are obstructing UN tax negotiations
#UNTaxConvention #TaxJustice #ODA #PSI
- Tax Justice
- Aid Quality
Aid under threat: The shadowy business of private sector instruments
Since 2018, temporary rules have allowed donor countries to report private-sector oriented operations, known as Private Sector Instruments, as official development assistance. In this report, we chart the increased use of such operations, highlight problematic gaps in transparency and accountability, and end with recommendations both for the OECD DAC and wider civil society.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality