Aid Quantity

Nerea Craviotto

The Covid-19 pandemic and related crises call for higher levels of ODA

In this joint statement, 77 civil society organisations across the world, including Eurodad, call current ODA levels 'economically unwise and morally flawed' given the current pandemic and interconnected crises, including climate change, conflict, fragility, and rising poverty and inequalities.

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Aid Quantity
Nerea Craviotto

Will donors finally agree on fair rules for reporting debt relief as ODA?

The rules on how debt relief should be counted as Official Development Assistance are currently being negotiated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) – under the auspices of its Chair Susanna Moorehead – and the Paris Club, which is an informal group of creditor governments. 

  • Development Finance
  • Aid Quality
Jan Van de Poel

Is ODA up to the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic?

On 16 April 2020, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released the preliminary statistics on Official Development Assistance (ODA) for 2019.

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Aid Quantity
Polly Meeks

Four Critical Steps to Ensure International Aid Works for the Poorest

By Polly Meeks, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer at Eurodad, Julie Seghers, Advocacy Advisor at Oxfam and Jiten Yumnam, Secretary General at the Centre for Research and Advocacy Manipur 

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Aid Quantity
Polly Meeks

Why 2019 is a Make-or-Break Year for International Aid

Don’t just take our word that aid is in danger: former OECD heavyweights agree
  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Aid Quantity
Jesse Griffiths

Financing for Development: current issues for international development cooperation.

This is a background paper authored by Jesse Griffiths, Director of Eurodad, on the occasion of the UNCTAD intergovernmental expert group meeting in October 2017.

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Aid Quantity
Jesse Griffiths

Is the global financial and economic system fit to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are ambitious objectives: business as usual will not deliver them.

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  • Aid Quantity

AidWatch Report 2017

The EU could take a generation to meet the 0.7%ODA/GNI target at the current rate of growth, reveals the CONCORD AidWatch Report 2017. While 2016 saw a substantial increase of 27% in development spending, there has also been a relatively dramatic increase in reporting of inflated aid, such as in-donor costs or debt relief.

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  • Aid Quantity
Polly Meeks

Unravelling Tied Aid

Unravelling Tied Aid. Why aid must never be tied to donor country companies at the expense of women and men living in poverty.

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  • Aid Quantity

Verdensvalg 2017

The report Verdensvalg 2017 focuses on Norway's development policy. In the chapter 'Aid and Development Policy in Norway: a global analysis of the finance and economic development landscape' Jesse Griffiths writes about the key ways in which the global economic and financial system will have to be transformed if we are to achieve the SDGs, and the role Norway could play to promote change.

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Aid Quantity
  • Norwegian Church Aid