
Julia Ravenscroft

Rise in overseas aid in 2021 still fails to meet needs of global crises

  • Donations of excess vaccines, in-country refugee costs, the use of private sector instruments and debt relief continues to inflate aid figures
  • 40 CSOs across the world issue a joint statement calling for more and better-quality ODA
  • Development Finance
  • Aid Quantity
Julia Ravenscroft

IMF plans to distribute Special Drawing Rights to those most in need require fundamental reform

New Eurodad briefing argues that the IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust is far from a silver bullet and how greater commitments are needed from governments and central banks, as billions of dollars of SDRs remain unused.

  • Development Finance
  • IFIs
Chiara Mariotti

Special Drawing Rights: Can the IMF’s reserve currency become a transformative financial resource?

In August 2021, the IMF issued the largest allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) in history. This briefing takes stock of the discussion on how to channel unused SDRs from rich to developing countries and assesses the different solutions proposed so far.

  • Development Finance
  • IFIs
Nerea Craviotto

Under pressure: How private sector instruments are threatening the untying of aid

The Covid-19 pandemic is much more than a health crisis. And although it has affected all populations around the world, the consequences in richer versus poorer countries differ substantially. Official Development Assistance (ODA), or aid, has a fundamental role to play. It is the largest source of external financing for Least Developing Countries (LDCs) and a vital resource for supporting key sectors that promote the reduction of poverty and address inequalities. With ODA levels stagnant, it is critical that these resources are used effectively.

  • Development Finance
  • Aid Quality

Join Eurodad and partners at the WBG/ IMF Spring Meetings

Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings this April.

  • Development Finance
  • IFIs
Ilaria Crotti

Infogram: Ghana and the debt crisis

Ghana passed quickly from being the poster child economy for West Africa to being one step away from losing its access to international capital markets.

  • Debt Justice
  • Global Processes
Iolanda Fresnillo

G20 buries its head in the sand amidst increasing calls for action on sovereign debt

Last week, G20 Finance Ministers failed to act on calls to enhance the Common Framework. In this article we look at the trends and risks regarding sovereign debt that the G20 seem to be ignoring and we believe will need close attention in the coming months. 

This article was originally published on 16 February and updated on 24 February. 

  • Debt Justice
  • IFIs

CSOs call for plan to count donated excess Covid-19 vaccines as aid to be scrapped following failure of OECD DAC members to agree

#dropitnow #CovidVaccines #Covid19 #IFI #IMF #inequality #EurodadConference
  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Aid Quality

CSOs call for entire plan to count donated excess Covid-19 vaccines as aid to be scrapped following failure of OECD DAC members to agree

Last week, the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) failed to agree on a plan to report the donation of excess Covid-19 vaccine doses as aid. Yet, donors willing to report their excess vaccine donations will still be able to do so as in-kind donations, despite the lack of agreement.

  • Development Finance
  • Aid Quality
Julia Ravenscroft

CSOs across the world call on the OECD DAC to drop all plans to report the donations of excess Covid-19 vaccines as aid, as member governments fail to agree on guidelines

The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) has failed to agree on a plan on how to report the donation of excess Covid-19 vaccine doses as aid, following months of wrangling. This is a bitter-sweet victory for CSOs, as donors willing to report these excess vaccine donations will still be able to do so as in-kind donations, despite the lack of agreement.

This press release was updated on 15 February following a formal announcement by the OECD. 

  • Development Finance
  • Aid Quality