2022: The year of uncertainty
As many countries welcomed in the new year they were also hit by Omicron, yet another even more infectious variant of the Coronavirus. The world is once again faced with the common challenge of dealing with a new turn in the pandemic.
- Development Finance

Why the IMF Resilience and Sustainability Trust is not a silver bullet for Covid-19 recovery and the fight against climate change
#IMF #SDR #ODA #Covid19 #CovidVaccine #TaxJustice #LatinAmerica #JobVacancies
- Development Finance
- Covid-19
Why the IMF Resilience and Sustainability Trust is not a silver bullet for Covid-19 recovery and the fight against climate change
Intended by the IMF as a means to redistribute rich countries’ unused Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), the current design of the Resilience and Sustainability Trust indicates that it is far from a magic bullet. Instead, it may reproduce the inequalities of the current system and award the IMF additional powers outside of its mandate.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Unambitious corporate tax proposal could lead to shortage of EU resources for Covid-19 recovery
Rather than an ambitious reform of the corporate tax rules, today's EU tax package is a Christmas present to all the multinational corporations that will be able to continue paying very low taxes.
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging
Rich countries fail to agree on how to report surplus Covid-19 vaccine donations as aid
The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) is facing an impasse among its membership on the adoption of controversial new rules that would allow rich countries to report the donation of surplus Covid-19 vaccines as aid. This is a vindication of the struggle civil society organisations have been engaging in for months opposing these new rules.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Joint CSO reaction on the ODA-eligibility of Covid-19 vaccine related spending
An open letter to the OECD by Eurodad and other civil society organisations on the latest proposal for valuation of donations of excess Covid-19 vaccine doses to developing countries in ODA.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
Eurodad reaction to the finalisation of IDA20 Replenishment
- Allocation insufficient to meet urgent needs of the world’s poorest
- No detail on how the funds will be spent
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Joint civil society submission on the Development Policy Financing Retrospective
The World Bank Group's use of Development Policy Financing as an instrument to nudge countries towards specific policy reforms, undermines countries’ policy space and democratic ownership.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
CSOs issue joint statement following World Bank's 'inadequate' consultations on global development policies
A coalition of Civil Society Organisations issues a joint statement addressed to the World Bank Executive Directors to express concern about inadequate World Bank CSO engagement on key policy processes, such as the IDA20 replenishment and Development Policy Financing retrospective.
- Development Finance
- IFIs