Debt Resolution

Iolanda Fresnillo
Maria Jose Romero

G20 Finance Ministers: Lack of action leaves developing countries shouldering a heavy burden

This weekend, G20 Finance Ministers passed up the chance to scale up debt relief to developing countries, demonstrating a galling lack of urgency in the face of the debt crisis engulfing a pandemic-stricken globe. Worse still, their approach risks making a bad situation worse.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Iolanda Fresnillo

‘Draining out the Titanic with a bucket’ – New Eurodad report shows why G20 plan to tackle Covid-19 debt crisis in developing countries is failing

  • Debt suspension offered by G20 only covers 3.65% of all the debt service payments to be made in 2020 by all developing countries
  • G20 leaders urged to massively scale up debt relief and work on longer-term global reforms to resolve debt crises or risk abandoning sustainable development and climate goals
  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Isabelle Brachet

Developing countries need grants not more debt to recover from the Covid-19 crisis

Piling on more debt on to the shoulders of developing countries will not help them recover from the Covid-19 crisis, write Isabelle Brachet and Maria Jose Romero.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Daniel Munevar

IIF Private creditor participation proposal: A cure worse than the disease

Following the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) announced during the 2020 Spring Meetings, the International Institute of Finance (IIF) has released a template for the voluntary involvement of private creditors in a debt service suspension.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Daniel Munevar

Back to the Future: A sovereign debt standstill mechanism - IMF Article VIII, Section 2 (b)

A new Eurodad report has identified an available IMF mechanism to impose debt standstills: Article VIII, Section 2 (b) of the IMF Articles of Agreement. The article in question allows the IMF to impose a debt standstill through the temporary suspension of enforceability of debt contracts in domestic courts of more than 189 IMF member countries, including the US and the UK.

Read the report in English, FrenchSpanish and Portuguese.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Iolanda Fresnillo

Argentina: creditors must take action to stem human impact of debt crisis

Argentina continues to struggle with recession and a mounting debt crisis. The country has been on selective default for a few months, and is battling to avoid a broader default.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Daniel Munevar

Financiamiento de emergencia para Economías de Bajos Ingresos

La crisis de Covid-19 tiene el potencial de devastar el sustento y las vidas de los 1.200 millones de personas en 69 Economías de Bajos Ingresos cubiertos por este informe. 

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Daniel Munevar

Moratoria de la deuda para 69 Economías de Bajos Ingresos

Evaluación de costos de una moratoria de la deuda para enfrentar la crisis de Covid-19

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Mark Perera

Eurodad reaction to the G20 suspension of debt payments

The G20 agreement is significant and will support the immediate Covid-19 response. But the breathing space it provides countries may be short-lived.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution