Debt Resolution

Daniel Munevar

IMF Debt Relief: Implications for developing countries

On 13 April, the IMF announced an initiative to provide debt relief for a selected group of 25 countries. 

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Julia Ravenscroft

Developing country debt must be cancelled to tackle coronavirus crisis

On World Health Day, amid an unprecedented global crisis, more than 100 organisations are calling for developing country debt to be cancelled to fight the Covid-19 health and economic crisis.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Daniel Munevar

Covid-19, deuda pública y sistemas de salud en el sur global

El costo humano y económico de la crisis causada por COVID-19 es un claro recordatorio de la fragilidad de nuestra sociedad globalizada.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Daniel Munevar

Debt relief must deliver on ambitions

The IMF and WB are calling on the G20 to support debt relief for impoverished countries in the face of the Covid-19 outbreak. But the institutions must break with the past to ensure debt relief fulfils its purpose.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Daniel Munevar

A debt moratorium for Low Income Economies

This briefing provides an assessment of the costs and implications of an immediate debt moratorium for 69 countries classified as Lower Income Economies.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution

Lebanon’s sovereign default: Turning misfortunes into opportunities

This is a guest blog on behalf of the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) by Dr Hassan SherryAdjunct Lecturer, Department of Economics, Lebanese American University

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Mark Perera

Covid-19 and debt in the global south: Protecting the most vulnerable in times of crisis IV

This is the fourth part of a blog series covering the impact of Covid-19 on vulnerable countries in the global south. Part 1 analyses the impact of debt burdens on health services. Part 2 discusses how the economic crisis will affect countries in the global south. Part 3 highlights the degree of vulnerability of countries in the global south to the Covid-19 epidemic. Part 4 provides a discussion on policy responses to tackle the risks posed by the epidemic. 

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Daniel Munevar

Covid-19 and debt in the global south: Protecting the most vulnerable in times of crisis III

This is the third part of a blog series covering the impact of Covid-19 on vulnerable countries in the global south. Part 1 analyses the impact of debt burdens on health services. Part 2 discusses how the economic crisis will affect countires in the global south. Part 3 highlights the degree of vulnerability of countries in the global south to the Covid-19 epidemic. Part 4 provides a discussion on policy responses to tackle the risks posed by the epidemic.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Daniel Munevar

Covid-19 and debt in the global south: Protecting the most vulnerable in times of crisis II

This is the second part of a blog series covering the impact of Covid-19 on vulnerable countries in the global south. Part 1 analyses the impact of debt burdens on health services. Part 2 discusses how the economic crisis will affect countries in the global south. Part 3 highlights the degree of vulnerability of countries in the global south to the Covid-19 epidemic. Part 4 provides a discussion on policy responses to tackle the risks posed by the epidemic.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
Daniel Munevar

Covid-19 and debt in the global south: Protecting the most vulnerable in times of crisis I

This is the first part of a blog series covering the impact of Covid-19 on vulnerable countries in the global south. Part 1 analyses the impact of debt burdens on health services. Part 2 discusses how the economic crisis will affect countires in the global south. Part 3 highlights the degree of vulnerability of countries in the global south to the Covid-19 pandemic. Part 4 provides a discussion on policy responses to tackle the risks posed by the pandemic.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution