Debt Resolution

What we have learned from the US indictment on odious loans to Mozambique

***This blog first appeared on the website of Jubilee Debt Campaign***
  • Debt Resolution
Bodo Ellmers

A toolkit for advocacy at the World Bank Group

This toolkit aims to support civil society in their advocacy towards the World Bank Group (WBG).

Updated October 2023

  • Development Finance
  • Debt Resolution
Bodo Ellmers

Financial Crisis 10 years on – How the response to the last crisis laid the foundations for the next

This article was initially published in Eurodad member SLUG's newsletter

Ten years ago, on 15 September 2008, the US investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed. This collapse is largely seen as a key event of the North Atlantic financial crisis, which also had spillover effects on the rest of the world. Around the globe, this decade-long crisis has caused massive unemployment, as well as rising poverty and inequality. It has been used and abused to slash people’s rights – in particular the rights of workers – while the financial sector that caused the crisis has benefited from huge publicly funded bailouts. Ten years after the last crisis began, global debt levels are higher than before, and debt vulnerabilities are increasingly hard to manage. That’s why activists all over the world are standing up to call for fundamental reforms of the financial sector on 15 September 2018.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution

Advocating for Financial Justice at the International Monetary Fund - A short toolkit

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a key part of the international financial architecture and wields huge influence over the domestic economic policies of impoverished countries

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution

The politics of quantitative easing

This report analyses the problems that monetary policies in developed economies pose for developing countries. Given the history of debt crises in emerging economies, with profound and long-lasting socio-economic and political consequences, we must be alert to signs of another emerging debt crisis.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
  • SOMO

Mozambique should not pay the hidden debt

Mozambique should not pay the hidden debt by Joseph Hanlon

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution

Global Sovereign Indebtedness Monitor 2017 (English version)

In the run-up to the G20 Finance Ministers' meeting in Baden-Baden last weekend, Erlassjahr / Jubilee Germany released their annual report on sovereign indebtedness.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
  • Erlassjahr

The fall and rise of Ghana’s debt: How a new debt trap has been set

Ghana is in a debt crisis. Having had significant amounts of debt cancelled a decade ago, the country is losing around 30% of government revenue in external debt payments each year.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
  • Jubilee Debt Campaign

The Evolving Nature of Developing Country Debt and Solutions for Change

This Eurodad discussion paper analyses the evolving nature of developing country debt and solutions for change. It aims to identify relevant reform processes on an international level, and more practically to keep progressive actors that want to drive change informed about existing opportunities.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution

The IMF in the Arab World: lessons unlearnt

This report surveys the IMF’s impact on post revolutionary Arab states by documenting the history of IMF involvement in the region. It then traces the change in IMF rhetoric and practice before and after 2011 in four Arab countries: Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, and Egypt.

  • Debt Justice
  • Debt Resolution
  • Bretton Woods Project