On World Health Day, amid an unprecedented global crisis, more than 100 organisations are calling for developing country debt to be cancelled to fight the Covid-19 health and economic crisis.
Debt Sustainability
Emergency financing for Low-Income Economies to tackle Covid-19
This briefing is provided to inform development of policy responses to the Covid-19 crisis and in support of calls from wider civil society for debt cancellations for the world’s poorest countries in the face of the current crisis.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Sustainability
América Latina y la epidemia de Covid-19: una crónica de múltiples crisis (II)
Este es el segundo de una serie de artículos sobre el brote de coronavirus y su impacto en América Latina. En el primer artículo exploramos los factores subyacentes de la emergencia sanitaria, incluyendo las políticas de austeridad y una mayor participación del sector privado a través de las asociaciones público-privadas (APP) en los servicios de salud.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability
América Latina y la epidemia de Covid-19: una crónica de múltiples crisis (I)
Este es el primero de dos artículos que analizan cómo está afectando a los países de América Latina la epidemia de coronavirus. En este artículo, exploramos la naturaleza de los sistemas de salud de la región, incluida su dimensión de género, las recientes políticas de austeridad implementadas en varios países y los desafíos planteados por la mayor participación del sector privado en la atención sanitaria a través de, por ejemplo, las asociaciones público-privadas (APP).
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability
Latin America and the outbreak of Covid-19: a chronicle of multiple crises (II)
This is the second in a series of articles on the outbreak of Covid-19 and the impact on Latin America. In the first article we explored the underlying factors of the health emergency, including the austerity policies and increased role of the private sector, through health public-private partnerships (PPPs).
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability
Latin America and the outbreak of Covid-19: a chronicle of multiple crises (I)
In this article, we analyse how the Covid-19 outbreak is affecting Latin American countries and their ability to respond to the health emergency in an effective and equitable way.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability
A debt moratorium for Low Income Economies
This briefing provides an assessment of the costs and implications of an immediate debt moratorium for 69 countries classified as Lower Income Economies.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
Lebanon’s sovereign default: Turning misfortunes into opportunities
This is a guest blog on behalf of the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) by Dr Hassan Sherry, Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Economics, Lebanese American University
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
Impoverished countries spending up to 40% of government revenues on repaying debt, according to new research
A report published today shows that rapidly rising and more expensive public debt is pitting the rights of creditors against those of the world’s poorest - and in particular women and girls - as countries devote up to 40 per cent of revenue to external debt service.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Sustainability
Out of service: How public services and human rights are being threatened by the growing debt crisis
Public services play a critical role in advancing human rights and fighting inequality. However, growing levels of external public debt, especially in the global south, threaten the very services on which citizens depend in order to have even a basic standard of living.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution