#ClimateFinance #DevelopmentFinance #TaxJustice #AnnualMeetings #EIB #SDRs #IDA
Global Processes
Code red for humanity: time for a just and adequate response is running out!
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Code red for humanity: time for a just and adequate response is running out!
The remaining months of 2021 are crucial for the future of our humanity. The multiple and interrelated crises that we face call for an even greater level of unprecedented and truly multilateral action.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
A wrong turn for World Bank concessional lending
As long as the World Bank's International Development Association can be an important source of recovery funds for the poorest economies, those resources must be used effectively. This will require closing the IDA's Private Sector Window and instead providing resources directly to governments.
This blog was originally published by Project Syndicate.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Eurodad submission to the EIB Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework consultation: Standard 5 Climate Change
Eurodad's response outlines recommendations on the need to reflect climate risks, climate impacts and vulnerabilities.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Reflecting the duality of gender and climate in the EIB’s Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework’s Standard 5 on Climate Change
This briefing aims to outline recommendations on how the European Investment Bank should address the interconnected issue of gender inequity and the climate crisis in the newly proposed policy.
Co-authored by Pieter Jansen (Both ENDS) and Leia Achampong (Eurodad).
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Talking straight on SDRs: What’s needed for fair and transparent distribution
In the space of a few months, Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - supplementary reserve assets created by the International Monetary Fund - have gone from being a topic for IMF geeks to the talk of the town. There are two main issues at stake.
This is the first blog in a series of blogs on SDRs.
- Aid Effectiveness
- Covid-19
The relentless quest to mobilise private investment in infrastructure: more de-risking is not the answer
While G7 leaders argue that they "aim for a step change" in their approach to infrastructure financing, a market-led approach is still at the heart of the G7’s plan to "build back better" for the world. In the following blog, María José Romero, Farwa Sial and Flora Sonkin analyse the proposals, the risks and an alternative way of thinking about infrastructure.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Infrastructure
Special Drawing Rights: Saving the global economy and bolstering recovery in pandemic times
A summary of key issues emerging from recent high-level event on SDR recycling mechanisms, funds, and vehicles.
This is a guest blog written by Bhumika Muchhala (Senior Policy Researcher on Global Economic Governance, Third World Network), and Christopher Hope (Policy Officer, Bretton Woods Project).
- Development Finance
- IFIs
62 CSOs deliver open letter on the Debt Transparency Initiative (DTI) to OECD, G20 and European Commission
62 civil society organisations and global networks across the world have published an open letter expressing their concerns about the design, consultation process and establishment of the ‘inadequate’ OECD Debt Transparency Initiative (DTI).
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
Infogram: Debt, Colombia and Covid-19
Covid-19 has left Colombia in a precarious position. The following infographic highlights why urgent multilateral support is needed to help the country address its debt burden.
- Debt Justice
- Global Processes