Global Processes

Tove Ryding

Eurodad reaction to G7 Finance Ministers’ tax deal

Today's agreement is not fair nor ambitious, and there is a high risk of it leading to a more complex and ineffective tax system.

  • Tax Justice
  • Global Processes
Julia Ravenscroft

New report sheds light on structure and holdings of sovereign bonds of developing countries

Research discloses the identity of 501 institutional investors which hold a total of US$ 169 billion in sovereign bonds of 62 developing countries.

  • Debt Justice
  • Global Processes
Daniel Munevar

Sleep now in the fire: Sovereign Bonds and the Covid-19 Debt Crisis

Public debt levels have been on the rise over the past decade and this dynamic has been exacerbated further by the Covid-19 pandemic. This report aims to shed light on the lack of transparency
in the case of sovereign bonds of middle- and low-income countries.

  • Debt Justice
  • Global Processes
Daniel Munevar

Infogram: Sovereign Bonds and the Covid-19 Debt Crisis

Dive deeper into key Sovereign Bond data from Sleep now in the fire: Sovereign Bonds and the Covid-19 Debt Crisis in this interactive infographic.

  • Debt Justice
  • Global Processes
Tove Ryding

Eurodad reaction to the European Commission’s Communication on Business Taxation

It has never been more urgent and important to fix our broken corporate tax system.

  • Tax Justice
  • Global Processes
Tove Ryding

Eurodad reaction to ECJ ruling on Amazon and ENGIE tax state aid cases

While the Commission’s state aid cases are important for shining a light on the problems, they are not the solution. We need to throw the current corporate tax system in the bin and replace it with a system fit for the 21st century.

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging
Leia Achampong

A lot happened on international climate finance at the US Climate Summit; but what does it all mean?

While the Leaders' Summit on Climate brought together climate laggards and climate-vulnerable countries, the ‘invite-only’ nature of the Summit is another reminder that the climate agenda is still largely driven by rich, developed countries.

By Leia Achampong (Eurodad) and Carola Mejia (LATINDADD)

  • Climate Finance
  • Global Processes

The Civil Society FfD Group's reaction to the 2021 Financing for Development Forum

This year, the ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum took place virtually from 12 and 15 April.

  • Development Finance
  • Global Processes
Financial Transparency Coalition

Towards a people's recovery

The latest briefing by the Financial Transparency Coalition tracks fiscal and social protection responses to Covid-19 in the global south.

  • Development Finance
  • Global Processes
Matthew Cummings

Global austerity alert: Looming budget cuts in 2021-25 and alternative pathways

The Global Austerity Alert is published by ITUC, Public Services International, Bretton Woods Project, Third World Network, Arab Watch Coalition and IPD/Columbia University.

  • Debt Justice
  • Austerity