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Global Processes

The Bretton Woods Institutions, 75 years on: reform or risk irrelevance.
The Bretton Woods Institutions were built on the ruins of an old world-order, at the end of World War II, and the dawn of a new world order, marked by the birth of many new nation-states and the onset of the cold-war.
- Aid Effectiveness
- Global Processes
UN Independent Expert links International Financial Institutions’ austerity push to Human Rights impacts
This week, the UN Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and Human Rights, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, released a report on the role of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in imposing economic reforms that violate human rights. In particular, the report highlights how widespread promotion of austerity measures has had an adverse effect on human rights impacts in a number of countries. The document is due to be presented to the UN General Assembly in October,
- Aid Effectiveness
- Global Processes
Building political momentum will be crucial for the way forward — Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation Senior Level Meeting
In this short blog, Eurodad looks back at the past senior level meeting (SLM) of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), a multi-stakeholder platform established to make sure all development actors deliver on their commitments to ensure development cooperation is really eradicating poverty and bringing about sustainable development.
- Aid Effectiveness
- Global Processes
Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation: Will this weekend’s Senior Level Meeting turn the tide on effective development?
In this blog, Eurodad offers its take on the upcoming senior level meeting (SLM) of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), a multi-stakeholder platform established to make sure all development actors deliver on their commitments to ensure development cooperation is really eradicating poverty and bringing about sustainable development.
- Aid Effectiveness
- Global Processes

Check out the highlights from #EurodadIC19
#EurodadIC19 #EconomicJustice4All #DevelopmentFinance #Conditionality #WorldBank #IMF
- Development Finance
- Global Processes

State of emergency: UN convenes Financing Forum while a new wave of debt crises threatens to derail sustainable development
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Eurodad response to selection of David Malpass as the new president of the World Bank Group
The selection of David Malpass as the new president of the World Bank is a missed opportunity to put an end to the gentlemen's agreement and strengthen the legitimacy of the World Bank.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
A toolkit for advocacy at the World Bank Group
This toolkit aims to support civil society in their advocacy towards the World Bank Group (WBG).
Updated October 2023
- Development Finance
- Debt Resolution
Civil society calls on G20 leaders to urgently take joint action in tackling global challenges
More than 600 Civil Society Organizations from all over the world have been working together for the last months via the Civil 20 (C20) to engage with the G20 on the most critical challenges facing today’s world.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes