Daniel Munevar

Is the IMF doing enough?

The failure of the IMF to respond to the Covid-19 crisis highlights the need for urgent international financial architecture reform. Eurodad's debt team analyse the data in this infograph.

  • Debt Justice
  • IFIs

Spring Meetings 2021: Yet another insufficient response to the Covid-19 crisis?

Eurodad's policy experts reflect on the 2021 IMF and WBG spring meetings, raising concerns of an insufficient response and the inability of the Bretton Woods Institutions to put global social equity at the heart of long-term plans to rebuild fairer post-pandemic.

  • Climate Finance
  • Global Processes
Jean Saldanha

IMF-WB Spring Meetings: Missed opportunities risk creating another lost decade for development

Eurodad Director Jean Saldanha reflects on the 2021 World Bank and IMF Spring Meetings.

  • Climate Finance
  • Global Processes
Daniel Munevar

Debt, Kenya and the IMF

Covid-19 has left Kenya in a precarious position. Learn more about the urgent measures needed and why, in the following infograph.


  • Debt Justice
  • IFIs
Chiara Mariotti

Special Drawing Rights: A three trillion dollar question (Infograph)

What are Special Drawing Rights and why are they so important to the global recovery post-Covid? Find out more in this interactive infographic. 

Read our detailed analysis on SDRs | Click to expand the infograph

  • Development Finance
  • IFIs
Maria Jose Romero

‘Rebuilding better', but better for whom?

In March 2020 the World Bank Group pledged to provide US$ 160bn to client countries in the 15 months to June 2021. In this briefing we analyse the Bank's response and ask, given private finance's central role, who is truly benefitting from their Covid-19 response package? 

Read the Spanish version | Read the French version

  • Development Finance
  • IFIs

Open Letter to the World Bank Group to strengthen public health financing and refrain from promoting public-private partnerships in health care

Urgent call to the World Bank Group to strengthen public health financing and refrain from promoting public-private partnerships in health care

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
  • IFIs
Chiara Mariotti

How many scandals will it take for the World Bank to start doing rights not rankings?

  • The publication of the World Banks’ 2021 Doing Business Report was stopped in August 2020 following a scandal that uncovered data manipulation and altered scores in four countries.
  • As a result of these irregularities, Saudi Arabia was named the top improving economy of 2020 around the time of the “Davos in the Desert” summit and a year after the Khashoggi murder.
  • The World Bank has launched another review of the Doing Business methodology and is finally seeking feedback from CSOs, but for a meaningful and participatory consultation it must extend the deadline for feedback and organise a follow-up discussion.
  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Doing Business Report

Letter to the World Bank Executive Directors about ceasing publication of the Doing Business Report

More than 300 civil society organisations and academics from across the world call upon the World Bank Executive Directors to end the publication of the World Bank’s Doing Business report.

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • IFIs
Chiara Mariotti

Mind the gap: It’s time for the IMF to close the gap between rhetoric and practice

As countries face the difficult challenge of recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, civil society is calling on the IMF to finally close the gap between its rhetoric and practice by no longer recommending austerity measures in long-term loan programmes.

  • Development Finance
  • IFIs