Eurodad's questions ex-MasterCard chief Ajay Banga's nomination by the USA as their candidate for president of the World Bank Group. It is crucial that the next World Bank leader breaks with the past and has a vision for the future, but a Banga presidency will bring only more of the same.
02 Mar 2023
Iolanda Fresnillo
02 Feb 2023
Our Future is Public: Santiago Declaration for Public Services
#SantiagoDeclaration #PublicServices #PPPs #HistoryRePPPeatedII #DevelopmentFinance #DebtJustice
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- PPPs
02 Feb 2023
Mae Buenaventura
It’s Time to Move Away from Public-Private Partnerships & Build a Future That is Public
The rise of public-private partnerships (PPPs) has deeply affected the delivery of public services and infrastructure projects across the world. In this opinion piece, experts from Eurodad, Latindadd and APMDD highlight why we must move away from this failed model and promote public options to build a future that is public.
By Océane Blavot (Eurodad), Rodolfo Bejarano (Latindadd), Mae Buenaventura (APMDD)
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Global Processes
26 Jan 2023
Our Future is Public: Santiago Declaration for Public Services
The Declaration is a momentous agreement signed by more than 200 organisations, including Eurodad, who vow to work to transform our systems to ones which value human rights and ecological sustainability over GDP growth and narrowly defined economic gains.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Global Processes