Tax Justice

Tove Ryding

Another overwhelming majority puts the UN Tax Convention negotiations on track, but the EU abstains

Today's vote is tax history in the making, approving a mandate for the world's countries to initiate ambitious and much needed reform of the global tax rules.

  • Tax Justice
  • Tax Justice
Tove Ryding

UN vote on whether to adopt the Terms of Reference for a new global UN Convention on Tax

Eurodad urges Member States to vote yes to adopt the Terms of Reference for a new UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation.

  • Tax Justice
  • Tax Justice

Inaction and wishful thinking: G20 summit shows why we must go back to true multilateralism

#COP26 #G20 #TheFutureIsPublic #TaxJustice #ClimateDebtJustice

  • Climate Finance
  • Debt Justice
Tove Ryding

Who is really at the table when global tax rules get decided?

Non-inclusiveness and illegitimacy continue to be key concerns in relation to the negotiation of global tax rules. But which countries are really at the table when new rules get negotiated? And what are the risks associated with non-inclusive decision-making?

  • Tax Justice
  • Tax Justice