Aid Effectiveness

Nerea Craviotto

This year's 2022 Effective Development Co-operation Summit could be a game-changer for untying aid

This blog was originally posted on the Global Partnership website here.

  • Aid Effectiveness

CSOs call for plan to count donated excess Covid-19 vaccines as aid to be scrapped following failure of OECD DAC members to agree

#dropitnow #CovidVaccines #Covid19 #IFI #IMF #inequality #EurodadConference
  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Aid Quality
Chiara Mariotti

Talking straight on SDRs: What’s needed for fair and transparent distribution

In the space of a few months, Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - supplementary reserve assets created by the International Monetary Fund - have gone from being a topic for IMF geeks to the talk of the town. There are two main issues at stake.

This is the first blog in a series of blogs on SDRs.

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Covid-19
Nerea Craviotto

The Covid-19 pandemic and related crises call for higher levels of ODA

In this joint statement, 77 civil society organisations across the world, including Eurodad, call current ODA levels 'economically unwise and morally flawed' given the current pandemic and interconnected crises, including climate change, conflict, fragility, and rising poverty and inequalities.

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Aid Quantity

Just 1% of rich countries’ spending on Covid went to overseas aid

  • OECD preliminary figures for 2020 show donors still failing to reach commitment to spend 0.7% of GNI on ODA
  • Loans are on the increase
  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Covid-19
Chiara Mariotti

How many scandals will it take for the World Bank to start doing rights not rankings?

  • The publication of the World Banks’ 2021 Doing Business Report was stopped in August 2020 following a scandal that uncovered data manipulation and altered scores in four countries.
  • As a result of these irregularities, Saudi Arabia was named the top improving economy of 2020 around the time of the “Davos in the Desert” summit and a year after the Khashoggi murder.
  • The World Bank has launched another review of the Doing Business methodology and is finally seeking feedback from CSOs, but for a meaningful and participatory consultation it must extend the deadline for feedback and organise a follow-up discussion.
  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Doing Business Report

Letter to the World Bank Executive Directors about ceasing publication of the Doing Business Report

More than 300 civil society organisations and academics from across the world call upon the World Bank Executive Directors to end the publication of the World Bank’s Doing Business report.

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • IFIs

Reaction to G20 Common Framework for Debt Treatments: designed by and for creditors

#Covid19 #G20 #DSSI #Ecuador #Debt #FIC #OECD #CFJ #DAC #PDB

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • FiC
Jan Van de Poel

Development Finance Institutions and Covid-19: Time to reset

A new analysis of how Development Finance Institutions are responding to the Covid-19 crisis suggests they are unable to foster inclusive and sustainable businesses and spur a much needed transition to low-carbon economies.

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • FiC
Nerea Craviotto

Joint civil society submission to the November 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee High Level Meeting

The upcoming Development Assistance Committee (DAC) High Level Meeting (HLM) provides an opportunity for DAC Members to commit to doing development better. This joint civil society submission represents the views of a group of 26 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the global north.

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Covid-19