Aid Effectiveness

Flawed conditions: the impact of the World Bank's conditionality on developing countries

The World Bank exerts enormous influence over the economies of developing countries through loan conditions, advisory services, technical assistance and policy blueprints. 

  • Aid Effectiveness
Gino Brunswijck

The IMF and PPPs: A master class in double-speak

While the IMF cautions against the fiscal risks of public-private partnerships (PPPs), the institution is simultaneously backing them at a country programme level and advocates austerity measures that push governments towards expanding PPPs through constrained budgets.

  • Aid Effectiveness
Gino Brunswijck

International financial institutions, social protection and gender: missing the target

Social protection has been at the forefront of discussions of late, with it playing a central role in the Sustainable Development Goals, featuring heavily at this year’s United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, and as the International Monetary Fund developing an institutional view on social protection. 

  • Aid Effectiveness
Lottie Atkin

International Women's Day 2019 - #EconomicJustice for #GenderJustice

Over the course of the week leading up to International Women's Day 2019 we released a series of graphics featuring the staff of Eurodad and their work areas, with quotes reflecting how Eurodad's work aims to promote gender equality

  • Aid Effectiveness
Mark Perera

An economy that serves the people: new UN guidance to anchor policy-making to human rights

This week the UN Human Rights Council will discuss new Guiding Principles to ensure human rights are integral to economic policy-making.  


  • Aid Effectiveness
Maria Jose Romero

Opinion: It's time to challenge the status quo in picking the World Bank president

At a time when the legitimacy of the World Bank as a development institution is at stake, countries from around the world are in the process of recruiting the new president of the institution. Any member of the World Bank can put forward a candidate. But since its founding, there has been a gentlemen’s agreement where the United States and its European allies work behind closed doors to ensure a U.S. citizen leads the World Bank, in exchange for the European leadership of the International Monetary Fund.
  • Aid Effectiveness
Polly Meeks

Joint civil society submission to the February 2019 Senior Level Meeting of the OECD Development Assistance Committee

This submission represents the views of a group of 27 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the global north.

  • Aid Effectiveness
Tove Ryding

Errors and Omissions: A glance at the European Commission’s new Communication on Policy Coherence for Development

The European Commission has released a new Staff Working Document on Policy Coherence for Development (PCD). The Commission’s report covers the first three years of the EU’s attempts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals, an endeavour for which PCD is crucial. The document however unveils that the EU’s PCD framework, as complex as it might already be, continues to have severe omissions – in particular the complete neglect of the EU’s fiscal and monetary policies on sustainable development in and outside the EU. Moreover, while the Communication maps EU policies on taxation and investment, it sells some of those as positive contributions while it neglects the risks and negative impacts that EU policies in these areas have.

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance

Reality of Aid 2018: Full Report

The changing faces of development aid and cooperation: Encouraging global justice or buttressing inequalities?

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Reality of Aid
Polly Meeks

Four Critical Steps to Ensure International Aid Works for the Poorest

By Polly Meeks, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer at Eurodad, Julie Seghers, Advocacy Advisor at Oxfam and Jiten Yumnam, Secretary General at the Centre for Research and Advocacy Manipur 

  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Aid Quantity