Aid Effectiveness
Why 2019 is a Make-or-Break Year for International Aid
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G20 Summit in Buenos Aires: A non-event amidst citizen protests
When the global financial crisis broke, the world looked to the G20 to find solutions. But as G20 leaders recently gathered in Buenos Aires 10 years on for their 2018 Summit, it was all too clear that ‘too big to fail banks’ have grown even bigger while we’re stuck with a vastly expanded shadow banking industry and a very worrying new wave of debt crises. Even though the G20 consider themselves to be the world’s major body for economic policy coordination, they are sleepwalking into the next crisis.
- Climate Finance
OECD fails to agree strict rules on development aid investments in the private sector - Oxfam and Eurodad reaction
The failure of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee’s to agree tough new rules governing aid invested in the private sector - private sector instruments - was criticised by Oxfam and the European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad) today.
- Aid Effectiveness
Reporting debt relief as ODA: civil society shut out, bad rules to be locked in?
“There are negotiations being made that are going to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems. That’s all I can tell you right now.” So goes the line from The Godfather.
- Aid Effectiveness
Unhealthy conditions: IMF loan conditionality and its impact on health financing
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) practice of attaching policy conditions to its loans for crisis-hit countries continues to trigger outrage and protest. This report investigates the conditions attached to the IMF loans for 26 country programmes that were approved in 2016 and 2017.
- Aid Effectiveness
After new commitments on untying aid, now it’s time for action
This article has been originally published by Public Finance International.
There’s nothing like a royal baby to throw off the best-made predictions.
Back in May, as the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) kicked off a new round of negotiations on untying Official Development Assistance (ODA), I blogged that this would still be a burning issue long after interest in the British royal wedding and other events of 2018 had subsided.
- Aid Effectiveness
Civil society organisations’ position on Private Sector Instruments
This position paper, endorsed by nineteen civil society organisations from the global south and the global north, sets out issues of concern shared by all signatories in relation to the OECD Development Assistance Committee's on-going negotiations on Private Sector Instruments.
- Aid Effectiveness
More than half of aid spent on procurement still goes to rich countries' firms - almost two decades after commitment to end 'tied aid'
A new report concludes that rich countries are still awarding more than half of their development aid procurement spending to companies from their own countries.
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Development, Untied 2018
Unleashing the catalytic power of Official Development Assistance through renewed action on untying.
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Briefing: Development, untied
In 2015 alone, donor governments around the world spent an estimated US$ 55 billion – or more than 44 per cent of Real Official Development Assistance (ODA) – on the procurement of goods and services.
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