Climate Finance

Leia Achampong

The EU's Climate Diplomacy priorities focus on solutions from the past to address current climate finance challenges

Ahead of the UN climate conference (COP27) - the first to take place in Africa for five years - European Union (EU) Foreign Ministers have published their 2022 Climate Diplomacy priorities. These priorities help us understand the level of EU ambition, and the direction the bloc will take in various negotiating spheres throughout the year.

  • Climate Finance

Joint civil society organisations’ letter to the EIB Board of Directors on the draft Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework

Ahead of the adoption of the EIB’s Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework (ESSF), civil society call on the EIB Directors to adopt a stronger set of policies and standards guiding its future operations, especially at a time when the EIB is creating a development branch and undergoing a transformation into the “EU Climate Bank”.

  • Climate Finance

Lights and Shadows of COP26 - Report by Latindadd

Our sister secretariat Latindadd has produced a report reflecting on COP26. It contains the main positive and negative aspects that can be rescued from a balance of what happened at COP26 from Latindadd's perspective.

  • Climate Finance

Has COP26 delivered enough on climate finance to drive the ambition that vulnerable communities need?

#COP26 #PolicyForum2021 #CBCR #TaxJustice #Covid19

  • Climate Finance
  • Aid Quality

Has COP26 delivered enough on climate finance to drive the ambition that vulnerable communities need?

Eurodad experts analyse how COP26 failed to deliver on climate finance, loss and damage and adaptation.

  • Climate Finance
  • Global Processes

Join Eurodad's Policy Forum 2021

Join Eurodad at the virtual Policy Forum 2021 taking place from 22 to 25 November.

  • Climate Finance

Inaction and wishful thinking: G20 summit shows why we must go back to true multilateralism

#COP26 #G20 #TheFutureIsPublic #TaxJustice #ClimateDebtJustice

  • Climate Finance
  • Debt Justice

Inaction and wishful thinking: G20 summit shows why we must go back to true multilateralism

G20 leaders met in Rome last weekend (30 and 31 October) to address what they termed “today’s most pressing global challenges”. In the end they took no meaningful new decisions. The photo opportunity with G20 leaders throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain was a potent symbol of what the Summit turned out to be: wishful thinking without any action.

  • Climate Finance
  • Covid-19

IMF-WB Annual Meetings: High expectations, poor outcomes

#AnnualMeetings #ClimateDebtJustice #COP26 #PublicServices #TaxJustice #PandoraPapers

  • Climate Finance
  • IFIs
Leia Achampong

Skilling up to Scale up: A guide to COP26 for development finance organisations

This toolkit aims to inform those who are new to COP processes and provides suggestions on how to engage in COP26. Specifically, this toolkit explains what the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is, looks at the Agreements that operationalise the Convention and covers some of the many technical bodies of the UNFCCC.

  • Climate Finance