Climate Finance

Ilaria Crotti

The Climate Emergency: What's debt got to do with it?

This document provides information for activists and social movements working on climate, debt and global economic and environmental justice. It has been published ahead of a global campaign pushing for climate justice and debt justice and includes tips on how to get involved. 

The questions are also available as a downloadable PDF in: English | Español FrançaisPortuguês

  • Climate Finance
  • IFIs

Urgent reform needed for World Bank to regain integrity as a global development institution

#WorldBank #ClimateFinance #PublicServices #DebtJustice #UpcomingEvents

  • Debt Justice
  • Covid-19
Leia Achampong

New figures on climate finance: The good, the bad, the disturbing and what's missing

Analysis of the 2019 Climate Finance data released by the OECD shows developed countries are still falling short of meeting the US$ 100 billion per year climate finance goal. 

  • Climate Finance
  • IFIs

CSOs call on world leaders to end public finance for fossil fuels in 2021

Urgent action is needed to ensure 2021 marks the end of international public finance to fossil fuels. This would free up significant support for clean energy and a just and equitable transition worldwide.

  • Climate Finance
  • IFIs

Code red for humanity: time for a just and adequate response is running out!

#ClimateFinance #DevelopmentFinance #TaxJustice #AnnualMeetings #EIB #SDRs #IDA

  • Climate Finance
  • Global Processes
Jean Saldanha

Code red for humanity: time for a just and adequate response is running out!

The remaining months of 2021 are crucial for the future of our humanity. The multiple and interrelated crises that we face call for an even greater level of unprecedented and truly multilateral action.

  • Climate Finance
  • IFIs

Open letter and joint CSO statement on the EIB Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework

Eurodad joins Counter Balance and other CSOs to call on the European Investment Bank to use the ESSF review to truly make the EIB  responsible lender.

  • Climate Finance
  • IFIs
Leia Achampong

Eurodad submission to the EIB Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework consultation: Standard 5 Climate Change

Eurodad's response outlines recommendations on the need to reflect climate risks, climate impacts and vulnerabilities.

  • Climate Finance
  • Global Processes
Pieter Jansen

Reflecting the duality of gender and climate in the EIB’s Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework’s Standard 5 on Climate Change

This briefing aims to outline recommendations on how the European Investment Bank should address the interconnected issue of gender inequity and the climate crisis in the newly proposed policy.

Co-authored by Pieter Jansen (Both ENDS) and Leia Achampong (Eurodad).

  • Climate Finance
  • Global Processes

NGOs letter on the EIB’s review process of the Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework

This joint advocacy letter urges the European Investment Bank to ensure a meaningful public consultation. 

  • Climate Finance
  • IFIs