Debt Justice

Maria Jose Romero

Bretton Woods Institutions at 80: What should the future look like?

On the eightieth anniversary of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, it is time for a change of course. In this blog, our experts on the Bretton Woods Institutions explain why the world is in urgent need of more responsive, democratic, accountable and development-orientated. global economic governance. 

  • Development Finance
  • IFIs

Debt demands & debunking distractions for climate action

Coordinated by thirty member organisations of the global Debt and Climate Working Group, this briefing is launched during the Bonn Climate Change Conference (3-13 June) and the 10th Technical Expert Dialogue for the process of establishing a new post-2025 climate finance goal. 


  • Climate Finance
Polina Girshova

Groundbreaking book unveils the feminist lens on global sovereign debt

A new book “Feminism in Public Debt: A Human Rights Approach” delves into the intricate connections between debt, gender, and human rights, with a spotlight on Latin American countries. 

  • Debt Justice

Failures in global economic governance undermine development and equality, says new report

  • Ongoing failure to tackle debt crises and large-scale illicit financial flows mean countries, especially in the global south, struggle to deliver on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and tackle climate extreme event.
  • UN Tax Convention negotiations and next year’s Financing for Development (FfD) Summit present opportunities for systemic reform



  • Debt Justice

Financing development? An assessment of domestic resource mobilisation, illicit financial flows and debt management

In mid-2025, the world’s governments will gather in Spain for the 4th United Nations Summit on Financing for Development (FfD). It will be a key moment to assess the fairness and efficiency of global economic governance, and for world leaders to address underlying systemic issues and challenges. With this in mind, it is high time to ask: how is it going with financing for development? In this report, we assess the situation with a specific focus on debt management, domestic resource mobilisation and illicit financial flows in nine focus countries: Bangladesh, Ecuador, Grenada, Kenya, Morocco, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Zambia. 

English version | French version | Spanish version

  • Debt Justice

Join Eurodad and partners at the CSPF and WBG/IMF Spring Meetings 2024

We will be joining CSO partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings from April 15 to 20. Below are some of the events we are taking part in or sponsoring.

  • Development Finance

UN reaches global consensus on the road ahead towards a Tax Convention

#TaxJustice #UNTaxConvention #BlendedFinance #ClimateFinance #DebtJustice 

  • Climate Finance
Iolanda Fresnillo

Debt justice in 2024: challenges and prospects in a full-blown debt crisis

Eurodad's policy and advocacy manager for debt justice, Iolanda Fresnillo, analyses the challenges the debt justice movement will face during the next months. 

  • Debt Justice
Iolanda Fresnillo

Irresponsible lending prevents the global south from escaping the debt-climate trap

Most climate finance for countries in the global south is in the form of loans that come with high-interest payments. This blog, written by Eurodad's Iolanda Fresnillo and Leia Achampong, outlines the impact of climate finance loans and why grants are essential to global south countries implementing robust climate measures.

Read the full article on Global Dev

  • Climate Finance