This week's Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank - during which the institutions have marked their 80th anniversary - has ended in an anticlimax.
Publicly-backed Private Finance
New research: Blended finance for climate action - Good value for money?
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Blended finance for climate action: good value for money?
This paper has been written and coordinated by Eurodad, and supported by ActionAid. It explores trends, risks and opportunities of blended finance for climate action and highlights ways of ensuring that blended finance empowers communities, rather than create dependencies on richer countries.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Blended finance for climate action - Case studies
These two case studies accompany the report "Blended finance for climate action: good value for money?", written and coordinated by Eurodad, and supported by ActionAid.
English version | French version | Spanish version
- Publicly-backed Private Finance

Our Future is Public: Santiago Declaration for Public Services
#SantiagoDeclaration #PublicServices #PPPs #HistoryRePPPeatedII #DevelopmentFinance #DebtJustice
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- PPPs
It’s Time to Move Away from Public-Private Partnerships & Build a Future That is Public
The rise of public-private partnerships (PPPs) has deeply affected the delivery of public services and infrastructure projects across the world. In this opinion piece, experts from Eurodad, Latindadd and APMDD highlight why we must move away from this failed model and promote public options to build a future that is public.
By Océane Blavot (Eurodad), Rodolfo Bejarano (Latindadd), Mae Buenaventura (APMDD)
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Global Processes
Our Future is Public: Santiago Declaration for Public Services
The Declaration is a momentous agreement signed by more than 200 organisations, including Eurodad, who vow to work to transform our systems to ones which value human rights and ecological sustainability over GDP growth and narrowly defined economic gains.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Global Processes

New report exposes failure of public-private partnerships (PPPs)
#PPPs #DevelopmentFinance #COP27 #ClimateFinance #TaxJustice #Vacancies
- Climate Finance
History RePPPeated II -
Why Public-Private Partnerships are not the solution
This is the second in a series of reports providing an in-depth analysis of various kinds of PPP projects through seven case studies across different sectors, such as education, health, transport and water, and in countries like India, Liberia, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Scotland and Spain. It also analyses emerging trends, particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and the multiple crises facing the world.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Briefing: Reclaiming sustainable infrastructure as a public good
Infrastructure is key for achieving sustainable development and for improving the living conditions of people across the world, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement and commitments on gender equality. Building on our work with partners from the global north and south, this briefing provides a framing to understand sustainable infrastructure from a systemic perspective.
This briefing is available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Infrastructure