Today, Eurodad and EPSU (The European Federation of Public Service Unions) are launching a report about the broken promises of public-private partnerships (PPPs).
Publicly-backed Private Finance
Reclaiming Public Development Banks to finance a sustainable and equitable recovery post Covid-19
Public development banks are in a unique and powerful position to play a key role in the post Covid-19 recovery.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Covid-19
What are the core features of a model Public Development Bank?
Public Development Banks are in a unique and powerful position to play a key role in the post Covid-19 recovery. Explore the core features such organisations should embody.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- FiC
Reclaiming Public Development Banks to Finance a Sustainable & Equitable Recovery Post Covid-19
It is vital that we seize the opportunity afforded by the Finance in Common Summit to reclaim public development banks for the public good.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- FiC
Over half of the World Bank's emergency funding to tackle the Coronavirus crisis goes to the private sector
- Almost 60 per cent of the Bank’s fast track Covid-19 Facility (US$ 8 billion) is being allocated through its private sector arm, the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
- Publicly available information indicates that as of June 2020, 68 per cent of IFC Covid-19 projects targeted financial institutions
- It also shows that 50 per cent of IFC-supported companies are either majority-owned by multinational companies or are themselves international conglomerates
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Global Processes
Never let a pandemic go to waste: How the World Bank’s Covid-19 response is prioritising the private sector
The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered health, economic and social crises of unprecedented proportions that have the potential to seriously undermine the (already slow) progress made by developing countries towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Global Processes
Development finance in times of Covid-19: Time for a rethink at the World Bank
Before Covid-19 most discussions on development finance were focused on using public money and institutions to ‘leverage’ private finance. The pandemic has, however, exposed the consequences of decades of austerity policies and privatisation strategies.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Covid-19
IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings 2020: a world in crisis looks for leadership
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)-World Bank virtual Spring Meetings took place as global economic turmoil deepened
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
The Spring meetings 2020: A make or break moment
The world is facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis triggered by the outbreak of COVID-19. As the Bretton Woods Institutions (BWIs) deliver their virtual Spring Meetings, there are strong calls for an ambitious response.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
América Latina y la epidemia de Covid-19: una crónica de múltiples crisis (II)
Este es el segundo de una serie de artículos sobre el brote de coronavirus y su impacto en América Latina. En el primer artículo exploramos los factores subyacentes de la emergencia sanitaria, incluyendo las políticas de austeridad y una mayor participación del sector privado a través de las asociaciones público-privadas (APP) en los servicios de salud.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability