Este es el primero de dos artículos que analizan cómo está afectando a los países de América Latina la epidemia de coronavirus. En este artículo, exploramos la naturaleza de los sistemas de salud de la región, incluida su dimensión de género, las recientes políticas de austeridad implementadas en varios países y los desafíos planteados por la mayor participación del sector privado en la atención sanitaria a través de, por ejemplo, las asociaciones público-privadas (APP).
Publicly-backed Private Finance
América Latina y la epidemia de Covid-19: una crónica de múltiples crisis (I)
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability
Latin America and the outbreak of Covid-19: a chronicle of multiple crises (II)
This is the second in a series of articles on the outbreak of Covid-19 and the impact on Latin America. In the first article we explored the underlying factors of the health emergency, including the austerity policies and increased role of the private sector, through health public-private partnerships (PPPs).
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability
Latin America and the outbreak of Covid-19: a chronicle of multiple crises (I)
In this article, we analyse how the Covid-19 outbreak is affecting Latin American countries and their ability to respond to the health emergency in an effective and equitable way.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability
In the dark: Secrecy and the Myingyan Public Private Partnership gas power plant in Myanmar
This report is by Recourse, a Eurodad member.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Recourse
The impact of PPPs on gender equality and women's rights
As public-private partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly promoted, concerns about their impact are rising.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Eurodad's priorities for 2020
2020 starts the ten-year countdown for the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. It is also a critical period for a just response to climate change, ensuring that those who are the least responsible do not pay the greatest price.
- Climate Finance
Open letter to European World Bank Executive Directors on WBG promotion of public-private partnerships
Eurodad, along with 34 other CSO organisations, have today sent an open letter to the European World Bank Executive Directors (EDs) regarding the WBG's promotion of public-private partnerships (PPPs).
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Failure To Fly: Challenges and lessons learned from public-private partnerships in Tunisia
#DevelopmentFinance #PPPs #Tunisia #Argentina #EU #GreenDeal
- Climate Finance
Des projets qui ne décollent pas - Défis à relever et leçons à tirer des partenariats public-privé en Tunisie
Les Partenariats Public-Privé (PPP) sont de plus en plus promus comme une solution au déficit de financement nécessaire pour atteindre les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD). Les PPP sont utilisés, de manière croissante pour fournir des infrastructures économiques, telles que des chemins de fer, des routes, des aéroports et des ports, ainsi que des services essentiels tels que la santé, l’éducation, l’eau et l’électricité, dans les pays du nord et du sud.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Failed Tunisian airport exposes major problems with public-private partnerships
World Bank, EIB and other major donors continue to push failed PPP model in the MENA region, according to new report
- Publicly-backed Private Finance