Publicly-backed Private Finance

Maria Jose Romero

EU development finance can play a stronger and better role, say CSOs

Over the last few decades, the European financial architecture for development has changed significantly. Development finance is currently a central piece in the EU's development policy toolbox but with scarce resources available, a serious assessment is needed.

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
Cecilia Gondard

Les ONGs veulent des engagements clairs sur le volet développement des prochaines négociations budgétaires européennes

Le prochain budget de l'UE (2021-2027) est en cours de négociation. En avril, le Parlement européen a confirmé sa position sur Instrument de voisinage (NDICI), de coopération au développement et de coopération internationale, qui déterminera la coopération au développement de l'UE sur cette période.

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
Cecilia Gondard

CSOs call for a clear development commitment in the next EU budget negotiations

The next EU budget (2021-2027) is under negotiation. In April the European Parliament confirmed its stand on the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), which will determine EU development cooperation during this period. The Parliament’s position includes crucial provisions to ensure that the instrument is up to the task of eradicating poverty, reducing inequalities and supporting sustainable development.

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance

An interview with Eurodad Director Jean Saldanha

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
Cecilia Gondard

Civil society organisations call for the World Bank to reconsider its policy advice on public-private partnerships

Over the years the World Bank has developed a number of “guidance tools” on public-private partnerships (PPPs) aimed to support public authorities to implement PPP projects. 

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
Cecilia Gondard

Eurodad in Action at the UN Financing for Development Forum

The United Nations convened in New York last week for the Financing for Development Forum. While the outcome document has been negotiated in advance, the Forum itself offered lots of opportunities to discuss what change we need to finance the sustainable development goals. 

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
Gino Brunswijck

Challenges rise fast, reforms proceed slowly as political blockades remain an issue – Spring Meetings round-up

Finance ministers from around the world gathered in Washington DC last week for the IMF and World Bank spring meetings. Held amid an economic downturn and emerging risks of a new round of debt crises, the key task was to discuss how the two organisations can be made more effective to address these challenges, which threaten to affect people’s lives and derail progress toward development goals. 
  • Aid Effectiveness

Flawed conditions: the impact of the World Bank's conditionality on developing countries

The World Bank exerts enormous influence over the economies of developing countries through loan conditions, advisory services, technical assistance and policy blueprints. 

  • Aid Effectiveness
Gino Brunswijck

The IMF and PPPs: A master class in double-speak

While the IMF cautions against the fiscal risks of public-private partnerships (PPPs), the institution is simultaneously backing them at a country programme level and advocates austerity measures that push governments towards expanding PPPs through constrained budgets.

  • Aid Effectiveness
Cecilia Gondard

French Court of Auditors’ annual report reiterates failure of public-private partnerships

In its recent annual report, the French Court of Auditors pinpoints cases of failed public-private partnerships (PPPs) once again.

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance