Publicly-backed Private Finance

Cecilia Gondard

French Court of Auditors’ annual report reiterates failure of public-private partnerships

In its recent annual report, the French Court of Auditors pinpoints cases of failed public-private partnerships (PPPs) once again.

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
Maria Jose Romero

¿Pueden las Asociaciones Público-Privadas promover la igualdad de género?

Las Asociaciones Público-Privadas (APP) vienen siendo activamente impulsadas por los gobiernos donantes y las instituciones financieras internacionales para financiar servicios sociales y proyectos de infraestructura en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, el apoyo a las APP es contrario a los compromisos asumidos por los gobiernos en el marco de la Agenda 2030, y en otras instancias, para promover la igualdad de género y el cumplimiento de los derechos de la mujer.

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
Lottie Atkin

International Women's Day 2019 - #EconomicJustice for #GenderJustice

Over the course of the week leading up to International Women's Day 2019 we released a series of graphics featuring the staff of Eurodad and their work areas, with quotes reflecting how Eurodad's work aims to promote gender equality

  • Aid Effectiveness
Maria Jose Romero

Public private partnerships undermine gender equality and women's rights

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are being actively promoted by donor governments and international financial institutions to finance social services and infrastructure projects around the world.. PPPs are agreements where private sector companies replace the state as providers of traditional public services and infrastructure, such as health and education, transport, energy, and water and sanitation.

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
Maria Jose Romero

Can public-private partnerships deliver gender equality?

Support for PPPs runs counter to governments’ commitments to promote gender equality and the fulfilment of women’s rights under Agenda 2030 and elsewhere.

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
Tove Ryding

Errors and Omissions: A glance at the European Commission’s new Communication on Policy Coherence for Development

The European Commission has released a new Staff Working Document on Policy Coherence for Development (PCD). The Commission’s report covers the first three years of the EU’s attempts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals, an endeavour for which PCD is crucial. The document however unveils that the EU’s PCD framework, as complex as it might already be, continues to have severe omissions – in particular the complete neglect of the EU’s fiscal and monetary policies on sustainable development in and outside the EU. Moreover, while the Communication maps EU policies on taxation and investment, it sells some of those as positive contributions while it neglects the risks and negative impacts that EU policies in these areas have.

  • Publicly-backed Private Finance
Maria Jose Romero
Polly Meeks

Why 2019 is a Make-or-Break Year for International Aid

Don’t just take our word that aid is in danger: former OECD heavyweights agree
  • Aid Effectiveness
  • Aid Quantity
Tove Ryding

G20 Summit in Buenos Aires: A non-event amidst citizen protests

When the global financial crisis broke, the world looked to the G20 to find solutions. But as G20 leaders recently gathered in Buenos Aires 10 years on for their 2018 Summit, it was all too clear that ‘too big to fail banks’ have grown even bigger while we’re stuck with a vastly expanded shadow banking industry and a very worrying new wave of debt crises. Even though the G20 consider themselves to be the world’s major body for economic policy coordination, they are sleepwalking into the next crisis.

  • Climate Finance