The OpenLux investigation shows us two things. Firstly, transparency works, and secondly, that we have a long way to go before the EU can declare itself free of tax havens.
Tax Justice

Development Finance Watch - Global Alliance for Tax Justice nominated for Nobel Peace Prize/ New report on PSI
#Covid19 #ODA #DAC #Tax #Grenada #EU #EIB #OECD #Debt #JobVacancy #PSI #NobelPeacePrize
- Debt Justice
- Covid-19
The Global Alliance for Tax Justice nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2021
Today, the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ), of which Tax Justice Europe is the European Branch, and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. See below for the press release published by GATJ.
- Tax Justice
Outlook 2021: effective multilateralism under the UN will be crucial
2021 brings the hope that the Covid-19 pandemic can be controlled, but existing inequalities are exacerbating access to the vaccine and with it, return to normal life. Here we set out what we expect to be the biggest issues we face as a network in the coming year.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
CSO submission to the public consultation on the reports on the Pillar One and Pillar Two Blueprints
The following submission was made to the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration as part of the public consultation on the reports on the Pillar One and Pillar Two Blueprints
- Tax Justice
In memory of Soren Ambrose
Eurodad pays tribute to the pioneering activism of Soren Ambrose, who dedicated his life to the cause of justice.
- Gender Justice
The G20’s deceptive promise to act on the crisis of the century
Faced with the crisis of the century, the G20 has failed to meet the demands of the moment. As the Saudi Arabian presidency comes to a close, Eurodad policy experts take a critical look at what has been delivered.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
Eurodad response to today's blueprints for the Inclusive Framework on BEPS
Today the OECD published its blueprints for how to repair the global corporate tax system, which follows an update that the OECD provided in January 2020.
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging

Heads of states meeting: No more excuses - time for global economic solutions
#Covid-19 #UN #FinCEN #Tax #DebtSustainability #OECD #DAC #UNFCCC #Unga
- Debt Justice
- Global Processes
No more excuses – time for global economic solutions
On 29 September, the world’s heads of state will come together (virtually) at an extraordinary meeting to discuss financing for development during the 75th UN general assembly. This will be crucial in the battle to address the Coronavirus crisis.
- Tax Justice