Tax Justice

Tove Ryding

UN Tax Convention negotiations: Final text on ToR headed for vote today

After almost three weeks of intense discussions, United Nations Member States will vote on the Terms of Reference for a new UN Convention on Tax at 15h EDT today. 

  • Tax Justice
  • Global Tax Body
Tove Ryding

UN Tax Convention negotiations: New draft text shows that an ambitious outcome is still within reach

Eurodad's Tax Coordinator reacts to the new negotiating draft for the UN Tax Convention.

  • Tax Justice
  • Global Tax Body
Tove Ryding

UN Tax Convention – joint submission by over 200 organisations and trade unions in response to the first draft negotiating text

The submission has now been published on the UN website along with all the inputs received from governments and other actors. In response, the Bureau of the UN tax negotiations is expected to produce an updated draft which will be published later this month. This text will form the basis for the second face to face negotiating round, which will begin at the UN Headquarters in New York on 29 July.
  • Tax Justice

Financing development? An assessment of domestic resource mobilisation, illicit financial flows and debt management

In mid-2025, the world’s governments will gather in Spain for the 4th United Nations Summit on Financing for Development (FfD). It will be a key moment to assess the fairness and efficiency of global economic governance, and for world leaders to address underlying systemic issues and challenges. With this in mind, it is high time to ask: how is it going with financing for development? In this report, we assess the situation with a specific focus on debt management, domestic resource mobilisation and illicit financial flows in nine focus countries: Bangladesh, Ecuador, Grenada, Kenya, Morocco, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Zambia. 

English version | French version | Spanish version

  • Debt Justice
Tove Ryding

Tax Convention negotiations kick off at the United Nations

On Friday 26 April, the first substantial round of negotiations on the Terms of Reference for a new UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation kicks off at the UN Headquarters in New York. The negotiations, which will run until 8 May, include issues such as wealth taxes, environmental taxation and corporate taxation, as well as the basic structures of a future UN convention.

  • Tax Justice
Markus Trilling

Make polluters pay: How to tax excessive ecological footprints

Progressive environmental taxation is pivotal to making progress on the ecological transition, as well as on social and economic justice. In this paper, we introduce the concept of Excessive Ecological Footprint Taxation to combat the exploitation of global environmental public goods and catalyse the social-ecological transformation of our economies.

  • Tax Justice
  • Green Taxation

More than 170 CSOs and trade unions issue joint submission regarding a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation

Civil society and trade unions have produced a joint submission in response to a call for inputs to the work of the Ad Hoc Committee to Draft Terms of Reference for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation.

  • Tax Justice

Eurodad marks International Women's Day

#MakeTaxesWorkForWomen #IWD2024 #GenderEquality #DebtJustice #DevelopmentFinance

  • Gender Justice

UN reaches global consensus on the road ahead towards a Tax Convention

#TaxJustice #UNTaxConvention #BlendedFinance #ClimateFinance #DebtJustice 

  • Climate Finance