Tax Justice

Fool's Gold: How Canadian mining company Eldorado Gold destroys the Greek environment and dodges tax through Dutch mailbox companies

Eurodad's member SOMO has published a new report titled Fool's Gold - How Canadian mining company Eldorado Gold destroys the Greek environment and dodges tax through Dutch mailbox companies. This report reveals that Greece’s economic recovery is being undermined by large-scale tax avoidance – enabled by the Netherlands. At the same time, Greece endures harsh austerity measures imposed by the European Commission, European Central Bank and IMF which are supported by the Netherlands. 

  • Climate Finance
  • SOMO

Ten Reasons to Defend the Corporate Income Tax

Eurodad's partner Tax Justice Network has just published a report entitled Ten Reasons to Defend the Corporation Tax. This report outlines ten reasons why it is essential to defend the corporate income tax.

  • Tax Justice
  • Tax Justice Network

Pulling the plug: how to stop corporate tax dodging in Europe and beyond

Eurodad’s member Oxfam International has published a new briefing titled Pulling the plug: how to stop corporate tax dodging in Europe and beyond.

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging
  • Oxfam International

LA ILUSIÓN FISCAL Demasiadas sombras en la fiscalidad de las grandes empresas

This new report by Spanish Eurodad member Intermón Oxfam titled "La ilusión fiscal" states how IBEX35 companies increased their presence in tax havens a 44%. In just one year their subsidiaries in tax havens passed from 561 in 2012 to 810 in 2013. This increasing presence in opaque low-tax jurisdictions contrasts with the data of Corporate Income Tax collection in Spain, which fell 56% from 2007 and 2014 thus representing a 25 billion € reduction. During the same period, Spanish population at poverty and exclusion risk grew to 2 millions (27.3% in 2013).

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging
  • Oxfam Intermón

What are the biggest French banks doing in tax havens?

The report “What are the biggest French banks doing in tax havens?” / “Que font les plus grandes banques françaises dans les paradis fiscaux?” is now available also in English. The report is the output of the French platform on tax havens Plateforme Paradis Fiscaux et Judiciaires, which includes Eurodad members: CCFD-Terre Solidaire and Oxfam France. The report sheds light on the first country-by-country figures that have been published by French banks last year.

  • Tax Justice
  • Plateforme Paradis Fiscaux et Judiciaires
  • Oxfam France
  • CCFD-Terre Solidaire

Information for the Nations

In a new report written by Eurodad member Christian Aid and endorsed by 18 other civil society organisations, the flaws in the current approach of the G20 towards automatic exchange of tax information are laid bare. 

  • Tax Justice
  • Christian Aid

Socialising losses, privatising gains

Eurodad’s members SOMO and Both ENDS in collaboration with Transnational Institute and Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) have published a report titled Socialising losses, privatising gains. How Dutch investment treaties harm the public interest. This paper gives a critical civil society perspective on the clear tension between BITs protections and the democratic right and duty of the state to regulate in the broader public interest.

  • Debt Justice
  • Both ENDS
  • SOMO

Close the gap: the cost of inequality in women’s work

Eurodad’s member ActionAid has published a research paper titled Close the gap: the cost of inequality in women’s work. The briefing highlights the injustice suffered by working women in developing countries and shows how the global economic system relies on women's paid and unpaid work. 

  • Tax Justice
  • ActionAid

Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More

Eurodad's member Oxfam has published a research paper titled Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More, which shows that the combined wealth of the richest 1 percent will overtake that of the other 99 percent of people next year unless the current trend of rising inequality is checked.

  • Tax Justice
  • Oxfam

Hidden profits: The EU's role in supporting an unjust global tax system 2014

The economic and financial crisis in Europe has raised awareness and frustration among both leaders and the public on the issue of tax dodging and its cost to the public purse. This report  brings together civil society organisations in 15 EU countries to examine their national governments’ commitments and actions towards combatting tax dodging and ensuring transparency.

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging