Tax Justice

Mathieu Vervynckt

Going Offshore: How development finance institutions support companies using the world’s most secretive financial centres

Developing countries lose billions of dollars every year through tax avoidance and evasion. Tax havens play a pivotal role in this by providing low or no taxation and by promising secrecy, allowing businesses to dodge taxes and remain largely unaccountable for their actions.

  • Development Finance

Giving with one hand and taking with the other: Europe's role in tax-related capital flight from developing countries 2013

Tax-related capital flight is a major problem the world over, particularly for the poorest people, who are unfairly losing billions of euro every year as a result of this practice. In this report, civil society organisations in 13 European countries examine the tax-related capital flight policies in their respective countries.

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging
Marta Ruiz

Approaches and Impact: IFIs Tax Policy in Developing Countries

A joint report by Eurodad and ActionAid

  • Tax Justice
  • Global Processes