#DebtandClimate #COP28 #Cancelthedebt #UNTaxConvention #MakePollutersPay
Tax Justice
Historic tax vote paves the way for a UN Tax Convention
Today, a historic tax resolution tabled by the Africa Group was adopted at the UN General Assembly, kickstarting an intergovernmental UN tax process to negotiate a new UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation.
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging
Historic tax vote at UN tomorrow
On Wednesday 22 November, the United Nations (UN) will hold a vote to decide whether to initiate the negotiation of a UN Framework Convention to strengthen international tax cooperation
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging
Eurodad reaction to reports that the EU and UK are obstructing UN tax negotiations
#UNTaxConvention #TaxJustice #ODA #PSI
- Tax Justice
- Aid Quality
Eurodad reaction to reports that the EU and UK are obstructing UN tax negotiations
Eurodad reacts to revelations, published in the FT, that the EU and UK seem to be playing an obstructive role in the UN tax negotiations.
- Tax Justice
- Global Tax Body
More than 200 organisations and trade unions call for the adoption of the Africa Group resolution on a UN Tax Convention
On 11 October 2023, the Africa Group at the United Nations tabled a proposal calling for a comprehensive UN tax convention. Now, over 200 organisations and trade unions have sent a letter to governments calling for the adoption of the Africa Group’s resolution, and stressing that this issue should be treated as a matter of highest priority and urgency.
- Tax Justice
African countries pave the way towards a UN Tax Convention – time for OECD countries to step up
On behalf of the Africa Group at the United Nations, Nigeria has tabled a draft resolution calling for the negotiation of a comprehensive UN Convention on Tax.
- Tax Justice
A UN Convention on Tax – momentum just keeps growing
#TaxJustice #UNtaxconvention #FfD4 #UNGA78 #SouthWithoutDebt #CanceltheDebt #Climatefinance
- Climate Finance
A UN Convention on Tax – momentum just keeps growing
Eurodad's Tax Justice Coordinator Tove Maria Ryding analyses what this week in New York has meant for a UN Convention on Tax and what is in store in the coming months.
- Tax Justice
EU Court rules that the European Commission was right to say Belgian ‘excess profit’ tax scheme constituted illegal state aid
While today’s decision is a big win for the Commission, Eurodad warns that the Belgian example is a symptom of a much larger disease and the legal battles that the Commission has had to go through is a stark reminder that the international tax system is broken.
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging