Eurodad's Tax Justice Coordinator Tove Maria Ryding analyses what this week in New York has meant for a UN Convention on Tax and what is in store in the coming months.
Tax Justice
EU Court rules that the European Commission was right to say Belgian ‘excess profit’ tax scheme constituted illegal state aid
While today’s decision is a big win for the Commission, Eurodad warns that the Belgian example is a symptom of a much larger disease and the legal battles that the Commission has had to go through is a stark reminder that the international tax system is broken.
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging

New report by the UN Secretary-General outlines the road ahead for truly global tax cooperation
#TaxJustice #UNTaxConvention #UNFCCC #DebtJustice #DebtandClimate
- Climate Finance
New report by the UN Secretary-General outlines the road ahead for truly global tax cooperation
The game-changing report outlines the options for strengthening the inclusiveness and effectiveness of international tax cooperation and presents three possible roads ahead, all under the auspices of the UN. Eurodad welcomes this truly historic moment in international tax cooperation.
- Tax Justice
- Global Processes
The good, the bad, and the ugly of Macron's Global South summit
Last week's Summit in Paris ended without tangible results. Eurodad's debt expert, Iolanda Fresnillo, argues in EU Observer that it is time to leave distractions like the New Global Financing Pact behind and focus on more serious processes, where all countries can participate on an equal footing.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes

UN Financing for Development Forum 2023: The road towards global economic solutions
#FfD2023 #FfD4 #Fin4Dev #WorldBankPresident #UNTaxConvention
- Debt Justice
UN Financing for Development Forum 2023: The road towards global economic solutions
Positive outcomes include the welcoming of intergovernmental discussions on tax in the outcome document.
- Development Finance

Rich countries increasingly the recipients of their own aid, according to OECD DAC data
#FfD2023 #FfD4 #Fin4Dev #UNTaxConvention #ODA #StopIMFsurcharges #CancelTheDebt
- Aid Effectiveness

Growing support for a UN Convention on Tax
#UNTaxConvention #SMCSO23 #IMFMeetings #WBGMeetings #IFC
- Tax Justice
- IFIs
Growing support for a UN Convention on Tax
On 31 March 2023, the UN held its annual ECOSOC Special Meeting on Tax following the historic approval of a new UN General Assembly resolution in 2022. Here is what happened.
- Tax Justice