Tax Justice

Tove Ryding

Eurodad reaction to the European Commission’s proposal to tackle the debt-equity bias in taxation (DEBRA)

In the midst of a very difficult economic situation, it has never been more urgent to repair our broken tax system, including by addressing large-scale corporate tax avoidance. Instead of removing the tax loopholes related to debt financing, the European Commission is instead suggesting the introduction of new tax incentives related to equity financing, which could potentially open up new avenues for corporate tax avoidance.

  • Tax Justice
  • Global Processes

Eurodad at the 2022 UN ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum

Eurodad and partners represented Civil Society at this year's UN ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum in New York. 

  • Development Finance
  • Global Processes
Tove Ryding

Who is really at the table when global tax rules get decided?

Non-inclusiveness and illegitimacy continue to be key concerns in relation to the negotiation of global tax rules. In this briefing we question how inclusive is the Inclusive Framework and who is really sat around the decision table.

  • Tax Justice
  • Global Processes

Who is really at the table when global tax rules get decided?

Currently, a third of the world's countries are not at the table when global tax rules get decided. Watch this short animation to see why it's time for the United Nations to take the lead, so all countries can participate on an equal footing. 

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging
Tove Ryding

Ground-breaking civil society proposal for a UN Convention on Tax is published

A UN Convention on Tax would, for the first time, create a truly global framework where all countries can participate on an equal footing. The UN is the only truly universal body that exists, making it the obvious place to anchor a truly global convention on tax.

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging
Tove Ryding

Proposal for a United Nations Convention on Tax

Tax-related illicit financial flows continue to cost countries hundreds of billions of dollars in lost tax income every year. This document contains a proposal for what a UN Convention on Tax might look like.

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging
Tove Ryding

New leak shows Swiss banking secrecy and illicit financial flows is still a serious problem

The Suisse Secrets leak confirms civil society's long held concerns that trusts can be used to circumvent transparency rules and hide money. The era of bank secrecy is far from over.

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging
Tove Ryding

Unambitious corporate tax proposal could lead to shortage of EU resources for Covid-19 recovery

Rather than an ambitious reform of the corporate tax rules, today's EU tax package is a Christmas present to all the multinational corporations that will be able to continue paying very low taxes.

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging

The Private Sector Window in World Bank’s IDA20: Where exactly is the development impact?

#IDA20 #Surcharges #IMF #GenderJustice #TaxJustice #ClimateJustice

  • Gender Justice