Join Eurodad at the virtual Policy Forum 2021 taking place from 22 to 25 November.
Tax Justice
Missed Opportunity: EU Parliament rubber stamps Directive that promises tax transparency, but fails to deliver
The European Parliament has rubberstamped a new EU Directive which has public country by country reporting (CBCR) in name only.
- Tax Justice
- #Tax
Inaction and wishful thinking: G20 summit shows why we must go back to true multilateralism
G20 leaders met in Rome last weekend (30 and 31 October) to address what they termed “today’s most pressing global challenges”. In the end they took no meaningful new decisions. The photo opportunity with G20 leaders throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain was a potent symbol of what the Summit turned out to be: wishful thinking without any action.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
As G20 meets to rubberstamp OECD tax deal, 130+ developing countries push for UN tax body
The move, which challenges the OECD's dominance as the place where global tax rules are written, is a strong sign that many developing countries do not consider the discussion about global tax rules to be over.
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging

IMF-WB Annual Meetings: High expectations, poor outcomes
#AnnualMeetings #ClimateDebtJustice #COP26 #PublicServices #TaxJustice #PandoraPapers
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
Eurodad: OECD tax deal is unfair and fails to solve the problem
The OECD has produced a deal that has strong biases towards the interests of larger and richer countries, at the expense of the world’s poorest countries.
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging
Eurodad reaction to the Pandora Papers tax scandal
This evening, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) published yet another global tax scandal – known as the #PandoraPapers. The investigation – which included over 600 journalists in 117 countries – presents the findings from a leak of more than 12 million documents. Once again, at the centre of the scandal is the use of secret shell companies by politicians and the ultra-wealthy elite.
- Tax Justice

Code red for humanity: time for a just and adequate response is running out!
#ClimateFinance #DevelopmentFinance #TaxJustice #AnnualMeetings #EIB #SDRs #IDA
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Code red for humanity: time for a just and adequate response is running out!
The remaining months of 2021 are crucial for the future of our humanity. The multiple and interrelated crises that we face call for an even greater level of unprecedented and truly multilateral action.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
Who is really at the table when global tax rules get decided?
Non-inclusiveness and illegitimacy continue to be key concerns in relation to the negotiation of global tax rules. But which countries are really at the table when new rules get negotiated? And what are the risks associated with non-inclusive decision-making?
- Tax Justice
- Tax Justice