Tax Justice

Julia Ravenscroft

Eurodad media comment – Inclusive Framework statement on new global tax rules

Following last month’s tax agreement by the G7, the OECD-led Inclusive Framework has published a statement on the proposals for new global tax rules. 

  • Tax Justice
Julia Ravenscroft

Eurodad comment on the “LuxLetters scandal”

Today, a new international tax scandal known as LuxLetters was revealed by Le Monde, Die Süddeutsche Zeitung, El Mundo, Woxx and Investigative Reporting Project, in cooperation with Tax Justice Network and The Signals Network. 

  • Tax Justice
Olivia Lally

Why mandatory public country by country reporting is good for business

Transparency can help to support a level playing field, to inspire investor confidence and to help sustain public trust – all of which will in turn support business. This is why there is a strong business case for mandatory public country by country reporting.

Read the report in English | Français | Español

  • Tax Justice
  • Covid-19

Development Finance Watch - Open Letter on Debt Transparency Initiative / G7 tax deal reaction

#Covid19 #Debt #EU #CBCR #G7 #Tax #Colombia #SDRs

  • Tax Justice
  • subtopic G7
Tove Ryding

Eurodad reaction to G7 Finance Ministers’ tax deal

Today's agreement is not fair nor ambitious, and there is a high risk of it leading to a more complex and ineffective tax system.

  • Tax Justice
  • Global Processes

EU fails to introduce real public country by country reporting

“We’re in a middle of a global crisis, but while many big multinational corporations are cashing in record profits, large-scale corporate tax avoidance continues to cost our societies billions of Euros in lost tax income every year. We know that public country by country reporting can help solve this problem, and that is why we need urgent action. Sadly, today’s agreement has been watered down so much that it will not be effective.”

  • Tax Justice
  • CBCR
Tove Ryding

Eurodad reaction to the European Commission’s Communication on Business Taxation

It has never been more urgent and important to fix our broken corporate tax system.

  • Tax Justice
  • Global Processes

Development Finance Watch - Reaction to the ECJ ruling on Amazon and ENGIE tax state aid cases

#Covid19 #Amazon #Tax #ENGIE #PCD #Debt #Biden #JobVacancy #Events

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging
Tove Ryding

Eurodad reaction to ECJ ruling on Amazon and ENGIE tax state aid cases

While the Commission’s state aid cases are important for shining a light on the problems, they are not the solution. We need to throw the current corporate tax system in the bin and replace it with a system fit for the 21st century.

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging

The Civil Society FfD Group's reaction to the 2021 Financing for Development Forum

This year, the ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum took place virtually from 12 and 15 April.

  • Development Finance
  • Global Processes