Tax Justice

Tove Ryding

Eurodad reacts to allegations that French government used a corporate lobby document as the basis for their official position in EU negotiations on public country by country reporting.

Corporate tax avoidance costs countries hundreds of billions of Euros in lost tax income every year. Fighting this should be top priority for any government, not least when we’re in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis.

  • Tax Justice
  • CBCR

Open letter to MEPs defending real public country by country reporting in trialogue negotiations.

Eighty civil society organisations, trade unions and networks from across Europe and all other regions urge MEPs to stand firm in defence of public country-by-country reporting.

  • Tax Justice
  • Stop Tax Dodging

Spring Meetings 2021: Yet another insufficient response to the Covid-19 crisis?

Eurodad's policy experts reflect on the 2021 IMF and WBG spring meetings, raising concerns of an insufficient response and the inability of the Bretton Woods Institutions to put global social equity at the heart of long-term plans to rebuild fairer post-pandemic.

  • Climate Finance
  • Global Processes
Jean Saldanha

IMF-WB Spring Meetings: Missed opportunities risk creating another lost decade for development

Eurodad Director Jean Saldanha reflects on the 2021 World Bank and IMF Spring Meetings.

  • Climate Finance
  • Global Processes
Julia Ravenscroft

Comments from Eurodad on recent announcements from the US administration regarding the OECD-led tax negotiations in the Inclusive Framework

According to the Financial Times and other news media, the US Administration has put forward specific proposals for the design of future global tax standards, which are currently being negotiated within the OECD-led “Inclusive Framework”.

  • Tax Justice

Covid-19 crisis: Key ingredients for a feminist recovery

In this second part of our blog series on Covid-19 from a feminist perspective, we look at what needs to be considered when designing policy responses to the Covid-19 socio-economic crisis.

Read part one

  • Gender Justice

Development Finance Watch - The EU and public country by country reporting

#TaxJustice #CBCR #SDRs #DebtJustice #Webinars
  • Debt Justice
Tove Ryding

Eurodad reaction to EU ministers’ discussion about public country by country reporting today

Momentum is building for stronger EU measures against corporate tax avoidance - Eurodad reaction to EU ministers’ discussion about public country by country reporting today

  • Tax Justice
  • CBCR
Tove Ryding

Eurodad reaction to the report of the UN FACTI High Level Panel

The UN FACTI report must be a starting gun for international action to stop illicit financial flows, what is needed now is for our governments to get to work.

  • Tax Justice
  • Global Processes

Development Finance Watch - It’s time for the IMF to close the gap between rhetoric and practice

#IMF #TaxJustice #Luxembourg #ClimateFinance #DebtJustice #Covid19
  • Climate Finance
  • Covid-19