Urgent reform needed for World Bank to regain integrity as a global development institution


#WorldBank #ClimateFinance #PublicServices #DebtJustice #UpcomingEvents

Top story

Urgent reform needed for World Bank to regain integrity as a global development institution

The damning investigation that has recently led the World Bank to stop the publication of the Doing Business report has highlighted a deep need for reform at the Bank. This includes an overhaul of the World Bank's Development Policy Financing instrument and its continued reliance on policy conditionality, as shown in Eurodad's new report: 'The Policy Lending Doctrine: Development Policy Financing in the World Bank Covid-19 Response'.

Read our media reaction | Download the report


CSOs call for the fair channeling of Special Drawing Rights

In a letter to world finance leaders, 280 civil society organisations and academics call on wealthy countries to redistribute their Special Drawing Rights to help vulnerable countries face the Covid-19 crisis, the inequality crisis and the climate crisis.

CSOs call on world leaders to end public finance for fossil fuels in 2021

G20 members provide at least three times as much public finance for fossil fuels as for clean energy every year. More than 200 CSOs are calling for an urgent end to international public finance being used to finance fossil fuels.

Blogs & analysis

New figures on climate finance: The good, the bad, the disturbing and what's missing

Analysis of the 2019 Climate Finance data released by the OECD shows developed countries are still falling short of meeting the US$ 100 billion per year climate finance goal, to the detriment of vulnerable communities.

Eurodad reports

The policy lending doctrine: Development Policy Financing in the World Bank's Covid-19 response

New analysis reveals that by relying on Development Policy Financing in its Covid-19 response, the World Bank has lost the opportunity to break with the past and play a truly transformative role in helping countries rebuild their economies. Read the report in full.

Useful resources

Debt and the climate crisis: a perfect storm

By Jubilee Debt Campaign

There is no climate justice without debt justice. This joint briefing explores the links between debt and the climate emergency and demonstrates the importance of addressing unsustainable debt in the global south for achieving climate justice.

An Introductory Guide to Financing for Development

By Civil Society FfD (Financing for Development) Group

This document is the first part of a more comprehensive toolkit help navigate the FfD process and make its interrelated domains more accessible for a non-technical audience.

Learning lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic: The World Bank's macroeconomic policies and women's rights

By Bretton Woods Project

This research argues that the Bank’s current frameworks for analysing its work from a gender perspective have a critical blind spot which largely neglects the impacts of its macroeconomic policy advice on gender equality.

Public education works: lessons from five case-studies in low- and middle-income countries


This Working Paper and Research Brief showcases positive examples of public education in different contexts and settings, concluding that public education must be the way forward for building more equal, just and sustainable societies.

Upcoming events

29 Sep-7 Oct | Eurodad at the WBG/ IMF Annual Meetings and Civil Society Policy Forum

5-6 October | Eurodad at the Civil20

For a full list of upcoming events and how to register, visit eurodad.org/events


This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders.


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  • Emy De Nardi
    followed this page 2021-10-13 16:40:51 +0200
  • Mary Stokes
    published this page in Newsletter Archive 2021-09-30 15:37:09 +0200