World’s biggest development finance institutions have failed to invest in the poorest countries during Coronavirus pandemic


#Covid19 #DFIs #IFC #CSOs #G20 #FIC #Debt #JobVacancy


Top story

World’s biggest development finance institutions have failed to invest in the poorest countries during Coronavirus pandemic

New Eurodad research shows five of world’s largest DFIs – including the World Bank IFC – have directed just 2% of investments to companies based in low income countries since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. CSOs are calling for a rethink during the virtual Finance in Common (FIC) summit next week, where 400 public development banks, including DFIs, will discuss their role in the Covid-19 recovery effort.

Click here to read the briefing 'Development Finance Institutions and Covid-19: Time to reset'.

Click here to read the full press release.


News & blogs

Kenya, Covid-19 and Debt

Covid-19 has left Kenya in a precarious position. A large debt burden and the impact of the pandemic are eroding all the gains made in the fight against poverty over the last few decades. Without support from the international community, in the form of increased Official Development Assistance (ODA) and debt relief, Kenya risks being left trapped in a vicious cycle of economic crisis, poverty and debt.

Click here to read the full article.

The G20 “Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the DSSI”: Is it bound to fail? Part II

This two-part blog series provides an analysis of the possible structure of the G20 “Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the DSSI”. Part I describes the likely structure of the framework. Part II (published since our last newsletter) analyses why a Paris Club-based approach to the Common Framework is unlikely to succeed.

Click here to read part one.

Click here to read part two.


Useful resources

The flaws of the billions to trillions approach

Hundreds of development banks are convening next week at the Finance in Common Summit, the first global meeting of all public development banks. Counter Balance have released a briefing outlining the aims and ambitions of the meeting.

Click here to read the full briefing.

“Enough is enough”: a conversation with international human rights experts on privatisation and public services

On 19 October 2020, a large network of civil society organisations, including Eurodad, hosted a webinar which brought together for the first time seven current and former UN Special Rapporteurs and one former UN Independent Expert. They work across six different mandates and they reflected on the impacts of privatisation. They also discussed the need to build renewed momentum and strategies for the public provision of services related to economic, social and cultural rights such as health, education, water and sanitation, and housing.

Click here to read the full event summary.

Click here to watch the full webinar on YouTube.


Job vacancies

Join the Eurodad team!

Eurodad is looking for a Policy & Advocacy Officer - Development Finance and Campaign and Outreach Coordinator to strengthen and further develop our cutting-edge thinking and network coordination around development finance.

Click here for the job description for Campaign Outreach Coordinator.

Click here for the job description for Policy & Advocacy Officer - Development Finance.

Deadline for both roles: 15 November 2020, 23:59 CET