Joint civil society submission to the July 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee meeting addressing Debt Relief reporting measures
This submission represents the views of a group of 25 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the global north.
The submission was coordinated within the DAC-CSO Reference Group - an open platform which aims to facilitate CSO engagement with the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Private Finance Working Group, which is led by Eurodad.
The letter addresses the CSOs’ concerns about ongoing discussions and negotiations at OECD DAC on reporting debt relief as ODA. The system for reporting loans was last reformed in 2014, when new ‘grant equivalent system’ meant that donors could no longer report the full amount of a loan as aid, or official development assistance (ODA). Instead, this system takes into account the risk that the loan will not be repaid from the moment they are credited. It is this which gets reported as ODA. Some countries would like to see additional ODA credits if they agree to cancel or reschedule these loans.
CSOs are concerned that additional measures to report debt relief could jeopardise the credibility of ODA as a measure of donor effort to support the most vulnerable in developing countries.
Download the full submission shared with the DAC Chair, the DAC Delegates, the Development Cooperation Directorate Director and relevant staff.
Download previous submission on the same subject (May 2020) shared with the DAC Chair, the DAC Delegates, the Development Cooperation Directorate Director and relevant staff.
The list of organisations that signed the latest letter on 14 July 2020:
ActionAid International
Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN)
Aid Watch Canada
Ambrela – Slovak Platform of Development Organizations
Association pour l’Integration et le Developpement Durable au Burundi (AIDB)
Austrian Platform for Development and Humanitarian Aid
Bond – The International Development Network
Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC)
Caritas Europa
Coordinadora de la Mujer – Bolivia
- Coordinadora de ONGDs – Spain
Coordination Sud
European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad)
Global Policy Forum
Ibon International
Indigenous Peoples Global Forum for Sustainable Development (IPGFforSD)
Fundación SES
Finnish Development NGOs – Fingo
Investment Watch (I-Watch)
Oxfam International
Society for International Development
Slovenian NGO platform for development (SLOGA)
Reality of Aid – Asia-Pacific