Eurodad appoints Jean Letitia Saldanha as new Director


The European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad) is delighted to announce the appointment of its new Director, Jean Letitia Saldanha.

Jean takes over from interim Director Antonia Vorner at the end of April. She joins Eurodad from CIDSE, the international alliance of catholic development organisations, where she has been steering their work on development finance and financial justice for the past 15 years. Her leadership role in European and international civil society coalitions has helped put the UN’s Financing for Development and SDG issues high on the global agenda. Before joining CIDSE, Jean was Asia-Pacific Co-ordinator for the international peace movement PaxChristi International. Jean comes from Mumbai and was active in the human rights movement in India as a law student. She has a Master’s degree in International Law from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.

"The Eurodad network has a critical role to play at this time in Europe and the world, when we see worrying signs of governments repeating the mistakes that started the financial crisis 10 years ago. This is against a background of climate change, growing inequalities and a desperate lack of resources to finance development," said Jean.

I look forward to being at the helm of a strong network known for its critical analysis, constructive policy dialogue and strategic activism, together with valued allies all over the world.

Jean Saldanha

Director, Eurodad

Chair of the Eurodad Board Antonio Gambini said: "The Board is delighted to appoint Jean as Director. Jean has played a leading role in development finance for over a decade, and is an inspiring leader with a passion for financial and gender justice. We are convinced that she has the expertise to bring about the transformative change we are looking for."