Eurodad marks International Women's Day


#MakeTaxesWorkForWomen #IWD2024 #GenderEquality #DebtJustice #DevelopmentFinance

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Eurodad marks International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day. Eurodad stands in solidarity with all those who strive for women's rights and gender justice.

This month we are also supporting the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights (GDOA), an annual campaign coordinated by the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) which brings the global tax justice, women’s rights and feminist movements together. This year’s campaign “Taxing Fairly for Gender-Transformative Care” will focus on the crucial intersection of tax policies, care work, and gender equality through a series of campaigns and events.

Follow us and our partners today on Twitter using the hashtag #MakeTaxesWorkForWomen

Read more about the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights here.

Join the Global Alliance for Tax Justice and register your campaign event or action plans here.

Read a statement on gender justice published today by APMDD here.

Read a blog article on feminism and debt published today by AFRODAD here.


No role for export credits in the EU’s development finance

by Counter Balance

This report examines recent proposals for greater coordination between export credit and development finance, in particular through initiatives such as the EU's Global Gateway strategy. It highlights significant concerns about the suitability of such coordination for development objectives, particularly in the absence of binding human rights and environmental standards, ands weak rules on transparency, due diligence and accountability of Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) as well as Development Finance Institutions (DFIs).

Read the report here. 

Blended finance for climate action: good value for money?
- now available in French and Spanish

This paper, written and coordinated by Eurodad, and supported by ActionAid, explores trends, risks and opportunities of blended finance for climate action and highlights ways of ensuring that blended finance empowers communities, rather than create dependencies on richer countries. 

Read the report here.

Useful resources

Statement on the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers meeting 2024

by Asian People's Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)

The people and communities of the Global South are suffering multiple crises, made worse by global rule makers that favor corporate interests over the needs of people and the planet. The Group of 20 (G20) countries - and the handful of Group of 7 (G7) countries that control it - impose these rules and false solutions. As the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors meet, APMDD reiterates their demand for the unconditional cancellation of the debts of the Global South.

Read the statement here.

“We demand”: A collective statement to the African Union

by African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD)

A movement of dozens of African civil society groups are calling on the AU to take actions in pursuit of climate justice, peace, and equality. The main ask from the movement is systemic change that would result in the creation of sustainable societies. Besides debt justice, other demands in the statement include tax justice, leveraging Africa’s strategic minerals, food sovereignty, gender justice and inclusion and swift and just energy transition.

Read the statement here. 

How we can win a new law to cancel the debt

by Debt Justice

This year, an election will be called in the UK. It’s a rare opportunity to force debt cancellation onto the political agenda – right as the world is facing the biggest global debt crisis in over twenty years.

Read the article here.


Call for tender for consultancy - Report writing

Eurodad | Remote | Deadline: 29 March

Senior Finance and Admin Officer

Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) | Brussels | Deadline: 20 March

Policy Advisor (Equality Department)

International Trade Union Confederation | Brussels | Deadline: 10 March 


19 March | Webinar - Sovereign ESG bonds to close the climate and SDG financing gap? A critical introduction to their limitations and risks

This webinar, organised by Eurodad, serves as an introductory session for CSOs on sovereign ESG bonds, building on Eurodad’s report “Sovereign ESG bonds in the global south: 10 questions for those concerned about debt and climate justice”, written by Andre Standing. This includes so-called ‘green’ and ‘social bonds’ and derivatives, including ‘sustainability-linked bonds’ and ‘blue bonds’, now being heavily promoted for small island developing states (SIDS). 

Register for the webinar here. 

14-15 March | How can a UN Tax Convention address inequality in Europe and beyond?

A UN Tax Convention could open the door to major reforms addressing the shortcomings of our international tax system.

This two-day conference, co-organised by Eurodad, EU Tax Observatory (EUTO), Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ), ICRICT (Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation), Tax Justice Network and World Inequality Lab, will bring together researchers from across Europe and beyond, to address questions of inequality and the global tax architecture and question the benefits for Europe and beyond.

Find out more information and register for the event here.

21-22 March | European Citizen Summit

On 21-22 March, CNCD-11.11.11 is organising the European Citizen Summit, during which Belgian and European civil society will meet and debate the major issues of international solidarity. The event includes workshops, plenary sessions and an action taking place in the European district in Brussels on Thursday afternoon.

Register for the summit here.

This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders.